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Iran and its Islamic Proxies have messed with the wrong opponent. His name is Israel.

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Yeshua,

Shalom to you all. On this solemn occasion, on behalf of my family and ONMI we gather to remember and honor the memory of the tragic events that unfolded on the one-year anniversary of October 7, 2023. It was a day that shook the core of our being, as Hamas unleashed a barbaric and heinous attack on innocent Israelis, catching them unaware in their sleep and pajamas. As we reflect on the first anniversary of the October 7th massacre, our hearts ache for our brothers and sisters in Israel, who bore the brunt of such senseless violence.

The events of that fateful day etched themselves into our collective memory as Hamas Islamic terrorists struck at the heart of Southern Israel. The towns and kibbutzim of Nirim, Sderot, and Ashkelon, among others, became the backdrop of unspeakable tragedy. We had the privilege of visiting these places during our CMS tour in December 2022, now forever marked by the shadow of terror.

Let us not forget the displaced Jews and Israelis from the Northern Israeli cities of the Golan Heights and the Galilee, who faced similar horrors at the hands of Hezbollah Islamic terrorists from Lebanon. Thousands were uprooted from their homes, their lives forever altered by the cruelty of barbarism.

As we come together in solidarity, our thoughts and prayers extend to all those affected by such acts of violence. We pray for peace and security for Israel, standing firm against the forces that seek to sow destruction and chaos. May the dark shadow of Iran and its Islamic proxies, including the Houthis in Yemen, Hezbollah in Lebanon, Hamas in Gaza, and the Syrian and Iraqi Islamic terrorist groups, be destroyed. No weapons that form against Israel will prosper.

United in our unwavering support, we declare with conviction: Am Yisrael Chai. The people of Israel live on, resilient and determined in the face of adversity throughout the age's past. Let us honor the memory of the victims, uphold the strength of the survivors, and strive to rid this world of Islamic barbarism.

How absurd! French President Emmanuel Macron stated that the Western world should enforce an arms embargo on Israel.

The Western countries are eating their vomit. Their hypocrisy is beyond the pale. ISIS, which is the same as Al-Qaeda, Iran, and the same as Hamas, and Hezbollah, made it very clear that they wanted a global caliphate state to destroy Israel, take over the holy land, and destroy Judeo-Christian Western civilization. Yet, these countries are allowing ISIS and all these Islamic groups to hatch their plan in the Western countries and bring them back to the Middle East. What is their main target? Israel.

As their target is Israel, should Israel wait there like a sitting duck, awaiting her citizens to be slaughtered by this Islamic barbarism like on October 7? No, God forbid.

Iran and its Islamic Proxies have messed with the wrong opponent. His name is Israel (God Contend), the Lion of Yehudah. They can't win. Psalms 121.

Empowering Israel: Setting the Agenda for Peace

I think it is wise and safe to say that the Biden/Harris Administration should stop lecturing Israel's PM, Benjamin Netanyahu, and the state of Israel on how to resolve the conflicts between Israel and Iran and its Islamic proxies in Gaza, Syria, Yemen, Judea, and Samaria, and Lebanon. Israel should educate this current US administration under Biden/Harris and set the terms and conditions to end the war with these barbaric Islamic rogue nations that seek the demise of the state of Israel and the destruction of Judeo-Christian Western Civilization.

Israel's Role in Upholding Judeo-Christian Western Civilization

Israel is leading the fight and bearing the brunt of this battle to uphold the Judeo-Christian Western Civilization, which is believed to be authored by God, with Israel at the forefront.


The Ambiguous Stance of the Biden/Harris Administration on Israel: Addressing Concerns About Iran's Nuclear Ambitions

The ambiguous stance of the Biden/Harris administration on Israel is impacting everyone. During his address at the UN, President Biden stated unequivocally that Iran will not acquire nuclear weapons, emphasizing the word "never." However, what actions have been taken to ensure this, Mr. President? It is under your leadership that Iran has received tens of billions.

Iran made significant progress towards obtaining an atomic bomb during your era, yet there was no criticism directed towards Iran.

The collaboration between the US and Iran reached unprecedented levels throughout your tenure. Therefore, how can we trust you, Mr. President?

And "we forgot." You will not be president in a short time. Judging by Kamala Harris's words, Iranians can celebrate if she wins the election.

In "Harris/Walt's America," God forbid if there will be such an administration, the USA will fall off the cliff as the country is being pushed to the edge of the precipice by the Biden/Harris administration.

Unveiling the Absurdity of the Impending Selection of Kamala Harris for US Presidency

After four years of the Biden/Harris administration, it is important for American voters to be vigilant and not easily misled. How can anyone justify supporting a candidate who has never won a single vote from American citizens to become President? What impact does this have on Israel and the turmoil caused by both her and the Biden Administration, resulting in global unrest? The impending selection of Kamala Harris for the US presidency is solely attributed to her gender and race, a notion that is not only absurd but also dangerously irrational, underscoring the current state of the USA.

“The ignorance of one voter in a democracy impairs the security of all." – John F. Kennedy

One week after the fatal debate between Joe Biden and Donald Trump, Democrats jumped on the opportunity to complete the progressive takeover of our republican democracy. With a treasure trove of big business and union cash, along with special interest identify groups and a gaggle of leftist operatives, they lit the fuse on a long-awaited campaign to elect a woman president.

Most American voters were dismayed that unqualified Kamala Harris was chosen to replace Joe Biden as the Democratic nominee. Harris had proven she could never win a traditional party nomination. With no concern for voters, the left chose Harris with all her failures and her shaky past.

After the Democratic National Convention, leftist party delegates walked the streets of Chicago in idyllic weather with a spring in their step, thrilled that their party had chosen a progressive Black woman as a candidate. At the convention, they had praised Harris as “a president of joy and elation" and said she'd defeat Donald Trump’s “politics of darkness” as she fiercely attacked Trump.

Since her nomination, media and the DNC have staged campaign events for Harris that rival any evangelical-revival big-tent show! People sing, dance and jump for joy with every word Harris giggles. Harris never mentions policies but freely spiels vitriolic hate speech about Trump. "

May God bless you, keep you, and be gracious to you.

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In His grace

William Levi, Founder & Overseer, Operation Nehemiah Missions, PO Box 563 Lanesborough MA 01237.


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