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It is either now or never. There is no going back.!!

Shalom to you and family. Wow, Iam very excited and thanking God everyday for all your prayers and support. All over sudden, it is like an explosion of of field report pouring into my office daily because our team on the ground are not sleeping and God is giving them extra measure of Grace. Thanks to your generosity and prayers. We cannot thank God enough for you. What God is doing through your generosity is truly a transformation of one person, one family, and one church and one community at a time. You are giving them the tools. They are doing the work and expanding the Great Commission. My trip is in two weeks. Thank you for keeping me and my family in prayer.

What is happening right now from the last time?.

Operation Nehemiah's country Director Timothy and his wife Joyce Levi and the team have safely arrived at their permanent mission campus in Bethlehem Borongole. Upon arrival, they teamed up with field staff from the Beth Israel farmland and began working right away. The women and the children brought a lot of energy and enthusiasm to the work. These families are not fooling around. They were like bees very busy. We are just giving them a push of encouragement and prayers to press ahead from 6500 miles away. It is like reading the Little House in the Prairies here in American early days of pioneering the wilderness and blazing the unchartered horizon.

The generous man is a source of blessing and shall be prosperous and enriched, And he who waters will himself be watered reaping the generosity he has sown". Proverbs 11:25

Thank you for putting smiles on their faces

They launched incursion against the wilderness, desolations, fear and moral decadence. These families are taking back what Satan has stolen from them and they years the locust have eaten from their lives: their voices, their lives, their families, their properties, their faith, their community and fields. As they arrived at the mission compound, they wasted no time. Men, women and children rolled up their sleeves and got to work. They first dedicated the mission campus to the Lord. They washed all the floors in the buildings. They used the backhoes to clear all the outstanding rubbish around the mission properties. They set up grinding mill. They joined the harvesting season going on in the Beth Israel Farmland. Tomorrow, they are going into the community taking the backhoe to clear rubbish around delipidated medical facilities, schools and a town hall that were abandoned. While 34 Miles at Yerushalayim summit, they oversaw the completion of the painting and restoration of the water point and sent the men off their way.

Backhoe, doing work of 50 men at a go

God is using you to make it all happens , this your labor of love for God's people

This is what restoration of community looks like. It is the work of God among his people through His people and that is you, your generosity and prayers. Timothy told me to tell you to thank you for your prayers, because they knew, you were praying for them to be resolved to be strong and courageous.

They pressed forward amidst opposition from within and from without.

The families earlier one had faced opposition from within and from without at the South Sudan’s border with Uganda. Border Authorities would not allow them to enter the country. They were doing their job. This bump on the road only emboldened them to make their resolve to move forward, as they were cleared into the country. No body belongs in South Sudan more than them. This was a test of motive in display.

Pregnant mother are being served at Nehemiah Field Clinics

Repartition comes with a lot of work and challenges

Even though all these women and children are integral part of the men who have not left the country and kept working inside South Sudan for the mission for all these four years, they were subjected to immigration scrutiny. Nevertheless, they must deal with the authority at the border as they were coming with their wives and children. They found themselves being detained and grilled for 6 hours by Immigration authorities . But they knew this was a test. God is testing their resolve whether they wanted to go back? They chose to cross the Red Rea. It is like Nehemiah 3 in action. All these trials helped them to stay united and remain strong and restore that which was breached. They were all united to work together for this good work.

Cleaning and washing all the mission properties for sanitation purposes

Agriculture and basic services– We are in the middle of harvesting. We got at least 20-30 men and women as we speak harvesting crops in the field. We are setting up the grinding mill and a small kiosk in the mission compounds where people can access food, salt, soap, stationery, printing etc. instead of going back to Nimule or crossing over again into Uganda for these basic needs.

Installation of Grinding Mill

NTC97.3 FM tower renovation is completed. Looks brand New again!

I was amazed by the speed of three guys who who took on the project. We thank God for your prayers and support. The tower's original colors are now restored. Base plate on which the tower sits and Foundation block are fully reinforced. Tension wires are recalibrated and the bases on which their are anchored are also reinforced. Antenna's reflective power drain has been reduced to zero. From the depth of our hearts, on behalf of our staff and board of Elders, I want to say thank you for your prayers and Support. The longevity of this Gospel radio tower has been renewed to another 14 years. Thank to you before Almighty God.


TPS New Israel:

They have one week left.. Have you checked them out yet. ?

Israel: The Way of the Patriarchs.

I had the privilege to meet two Israeli young men, Amotz Eyal and Amit Barak while here at NRB conference in CA, USA and at Christian Media Summit in Jerusalem, Israel. Amotz Eyal is director of TPS - Israel's News Agency. TPS News is officially one of the Israeli based News outlet we are privileged to quote from and use their materials on our website, radio station as well News blog. These gentlemen have developed a project called the Way of the Patriarchs, a family board game designed to address the needs during this pandemic period as traveling to Israel for a tour of the Holy land has become increasingly difficult.

it and Amotz have summarized their thoughts below in their own word. Pray for them and let us help them meet the their goal. it is $8000 dollar project ending in a month. You can help directly from their website below. If you allocate some money to this cause through ONMI, please make sure you indicate that it is for them. I will makes sure, it gets to them.

So be happy to help spread the word about the game:


Way forward: Prayer, dedication and commitment: Infrastructure from Zero.

1- Our country Director is asking for your prayers for him, his family and the staff and their families in the days ahead including over 300 men most of them without their wives and children yet. People are still grappling with the idea of going back to Uganda, primarily for the sake of their children’s education and established infrastructure. But we know that is dangerous even though there is reality check. But it is either now or never. There is no going back.

2- However, we want to address the issue of Internet provision very quickly. Internet Providers want ONMI to provide them with poles for setting up Internet Antennas and all that enhance Internet access in two mission compounds, One compound is already covered. The monthly expenses for providing Internet access will be on the Internet Provider in exchange for the company’s internet business on NTC tower connecting Kampala, Uganda and Juba, South Sudan

3- As a home-schooling parent myself, I am not an advocate of formal classroom-based schooling with many students. But for these families, this is all that they know now. Even one year of Covid 19 global lock down could not wean away from class room based education. A lot of them say, they do not have the academic background to home school. We can also argue that education is not always confined between four walls of a building, with a teacher a chalk and a blackboard. It is part of our daily lives. It is working in the field, helping our family, church, neighbors and doing exactly what they are doing now, exploring the wilderness and blazing the trail. That is all education. It is the daily part of what we do. However, we want to open the school right away to stop parents sending their children back into Ugandan school system. This will again split the family’s commitment to stay in the country. It is not difficult to run a small school to meet the need of these children and easy the parents’ concerns.

4- This is not going to be your typical public school setting. We have the head start before the UNHCR brings in their global social engineering education from the camps into the lives of these families. We are gearing towards recruiting 3-4 teachers to start teaching the students right away. We will consider it as Private Tutoring with parental oversight. We are clearing a 3 rooms Mission house for this effort.

5- Agriculture and basic services– We are in the middle of harvesting. We got at least 20-30 men and women as we speak harvesting crops in the field. We are setting up the grinding mill and a small kiosk in the mission compounds where people can access food, salt, soap, stationery, printing etc. instead of going back to Nimule or crossing over again into Uganda for these basic needs.

6- Pray that God's work will go forward.

7- Pray that People will not go back to into exile and that repatriation is permanent.

8- Pray for our effort to minister the word of God to the incoming community. Pray for 300 hundred men who are on the ground their families permanently to South Sudan.

How can you help?

As we are entering the beginning of First quarter January- March 2021, ONMI's Monthly fix & variable budget for the month of March stands at $60,000. We are confident that by the grace of God with your tenacious support, we can meet this goal before the end of the month or a week into the next month.

All contribution to Operation Nehemiah Mission is tax-deductible.

If the Lord leads you to help us today, for on line donation that will have immediate impact,

please visit our website at


Mission trip:

I will be leaving for a validation mission trip to South Sudan for 2 weeks beginning march 17th to inspect, validate and encourage and be encouraged by the ground leadership team

"But my God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by in Yeshua the Messiah. "

In His grace

William Levi, Founder & Overseer

Operation Nehemiah Missions

PO Box 563

Lanesborough MA 01237 USA





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Operation Nehemiah Missions International Inc is headquartered in Lanesborough, MA USA. Statement of Faith: The compelling and prevailing motivation of Operation Nehemiah Missions is to promote the Gospel of Jesus Christ, ( Yeshua the Messiah) thereby bringing people to repentance and eternal Salvation for their soul upon this premises rest the welfare of any community and the Bible is the final authority in all matters of life. 2 Timothy 3:16- 18 

All our humanitarian and developmental initiative to rebuild South Sudan from the ashes war and Islamic persecution  rest upon this principles. Our core principle is  the discipleship of one person, one family, one church and one community at a time.

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