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Leaving for Israel for CMS conference. Pray for the Peace of Jerusalem


Shalom my brothers and sisters in Yeshua, I hope that this missive finds you well in Yeshua. From the depth of my heart and on behalf of my family and the people of South Sudan and USA, I can't thank God enough for your prayers and support.

As We are approaching the end of 2022, I want to thank God for all you for standing with me in moving this ministry forward in 2022. The brethren in South Sudan expressed their gratitude to you for all the support we received from your benevolence on their behalves in 2022.

I will be sharing with you the comprehensive summary of the 2022 mission activity as soon as I get back from Israel. This will be my second trip to Israel. In November 2019, I had the privilege to pay special visit to Israel to represent ONMI at CMS Summit in Jerusalem, Israel. CMS stands for Christian Media Summit an event organized by the office of Israeli Prime Minister to improve relationship between Israel and the Body of Yeshua Worldwide.

What I got of the experience I had going to Israel in 2019 was , the validation of the Biblical truth. God is real, the Bible is so true. Its words are so true, immutable, both measurable and immeasurable and proven by the very existence of the Bible that came out of the land of Israel and the Jewish people in the land still speaking in Hebrew. Jewish people are alive and thriving. The presence of the Israelites in the Holy land validate the Holy scriptures. There are people from all walks of lives are found in Israel. Therefore, it is false to characterize Israel as an Apartheid state .Israel accommodates almost all Christian denomination including Messianic Jews as well. Muslims and Islamic Jihadists, seeking complete destruction of Israel occupies a big chunk of Israel's land in Samaria and Judea and holy site in Jerusalem and Bethlehem. They are in government too.

The Israelites on the ground are friendly, kind, hospitable, peaceable, generous, hardworking and certainly very resolute and intelligent chosen people of the Living God.

The CMS meeting truly underscores everything that transpired at the conference. CMS Summit gave me deep understanding why the Church. (Kehillah) the true believers in Yeshua worldwide the Commonwealth of Israel must stand with Israel and pray for the Peace of Jerusalem. There is no room for error. There is no substitute for Israel existence as the sole custodian of biblical Account and history.

Anti - Semitism, BDS movement, anti- Israel movement Islamic jihadism , all have something in common. They are all engaged in falsifying and invalidating the truth account of Biblical History of the Holy land which can only be accounted for through the existence of Israelis in the land.

Israel Existence is a threat to the world because God used her to reveal Himself as the Creator of mankind. The Bible shows How God has the entire universe with ultimate solution to redeem mankind from the fall because of Sin. God puts mankind in his proper place to repent and be forgiven to be in fellowship with him. But because man likes darkness and pretends to be God himself, He sis fight against truth by defiling holy places. He plugged us out of Satan's deception shrouded in death and darkness and brought us into marvelous light and victory over death and Eternal Damnation. He used Israel's prophets, Priests, Kings and a ultimately he revealed himself through Yeshua, the Messiah.

I enjoyed the delicious food, the Biblical historical site, Jerusalem, the Galilee, the Golan Height and the rolling mountains, the landscape and the farmland of the beloved Israel. I want to thank God for Israel's Government Press Office and Christian Media Summit for their support.

In coming Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu speaks at the opening of Christian Media Summit 2018 in Jerusalem, Oct. 14, 2018. (Photo: Noam Revkin Fenton/Flash90)

All Israel News with Joel Rosenberg reports " The sixth Christian Media Summit 2022 will take place in Jerusalem from Dec. 11 until 14 with an aim to educate Christian journalists about Israel on the latest news from the Holy Land. Some 150 top-tier Christian news executives and opinion leaders from around the world, including founders and CEOs of world-renowned Christian media outlets, will gather for dialogue on key topics relevant to Israel and the Christian world. This year’s summit – organized by Israel’s Government Press Office (GPO), the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Jerusalem and Heritage – is the first in-person meeting in two years since the coronavirus pandemic. “This will be the first time, after corona, we have seen each other,” Hadassah Schwarz, GPO’s senior coordinator for International Press, told Christian journalist Paul Calvert in an interview. “So much has happened around the world with Israel and about Israel. And it’s just to give them [journalists and media personnel] information that they can go back and report in their countries.”

Thanks, you so much These are the most immediate needs that need to be met in December 2022. Breakdown: Quick Impact Capital: $50,000 (Hardware construction materials, Livestock, and poultry). Covering (USA office -$30,000(Operation and fundraising initiative), Medical needs - $5,000, Fish farm- $5000. Shortwave Gospel Radio - $350,000, South Sudan office - $20,000. Your donations are tax deductible and online donations can be made at Your contribution of any amount toward this effort will be tremendous. Your tax-deductible checks can be sent to Operation Nehemiah Missions PO Box 563 Landsborough, MA 01237. Thank you for your generosity and honesty. May God bless you and keep you. In His Grace, William Levi Founder and Overseer, Tel: 413-770-4711, Email:



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Operation Nehemiah Missions International Inc is headquartered in Lanesborough, MA USA. Statement of Faith: The compelling and prevailing motivation of Operation Nehemiah Missions is to promote the Gospel of Jesus Christ, ( Yeshua the Messiah) thereby bringing people to repentance and eternal Salvation for their soul upon this premises rest the welfare of any community and the Bible is the final authority in all matters of life. 2 Timothy 3:16- 18 

All our humanitarian and developmental initiative to rebuild South Sudan from the ashes war and Islamic persecution  rest upon this principles. Our core principle is  the discipleship of one person, one family, one church and one community at a time.

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