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My Mission report on Father's Day. We Remember, God is our Father

Shalom to you and family, I hope this letter finds you well in Yeshua. From the depth of my heart, I want to congratulate all the fathers on Father’s Day. Fatherhood is a daily occurrence, taking one day to remember all the fathers and grandfather throughout the ages has been a blessing. “For the LORD reproves him whom he loves, as a father the son in whom he delights.” Proverbs 3: 11-20. Today’s sons and daughters are tomorrow’s fathers and mothers. This is the Mystery of God’s of Creating Mankind in His Image Male and Female he Created them. As it is written “Behold, children are a heritage from the LORD, the fruit of the womb a reward. Like arrows in the hand of a warrior are the children of one’s youth. Blessed is the man who fills his quiver with them! He shall not be put to shame when he speaks with his enemies in the gate.” Therefore, I want to thank God for the Fathers and Grandfathers who have been co-laboring with me in the Great Commissions in the USA, Uganda, South Sudan and Israel.

Today’s sons and daughters are tomorrow’s fathers and mothers. This is the Mystery of God’s Creation as Created Mankind in His Image Male and Female he Created them. As it is written “Behold, children are a heritage from the LORD, the fruit of the womb a reward. Like arrows in the hand of a warrior are the children of one’s youth. Blessed is the man who fills his quiver with them! He shall not be put to shame when he speaks with his enemies in the gate.” Therefore, I want to thank God for the Fathers and Grandfathers who have been co-laboring with me in the Great Commissions. Iam grateful to the father of 8 of them.

Belated Mother's Day

I also want to express my belated Happy Mother’s Day to all the mothers and grandmothers who have been co-laboring with us in the work of ONMI. Away in South Sudan last month when Mother’s Day was celebrated back here in the US.

Returning home to the USA.

I finally, I made it back to the US after one full month busy mission trip to South Sudan. Got back on June 4th, I brought you greetings from all the beneficiaries and the brethren who sincerely expressed their gratitude and appreciation to God for your love prayer and generosity.

It was bittersweet parting

It was bittersweet parting. It was emotional farewell as I left South Sudan. The brethren, the entire body of Yeshua at Bethlehem Mission Headquarters, the staff and entire student body, teachers at Bethlehem primary school of ONMI's Bethlehem Mission Headquarters turned out to bid their sincere and emotional farewell to me on June 3rd as I departed South Sudan for the USA. How good and pleasant it is when brothers live together in unity!

Thank you for your prayers and support. They asked for wisdom, advise, love and care.

One week before my final departure, I had a briefing with the students and teachers and general staff.

Profoundly moved by a sample of students selected from all levels of their classes to present their appreciation to me about how much they appreciate what God is doing for them through the benevolence of the brethren in the USA supporting the work of ONMI.

They asked for wisdom, advise, love and care. They say, Papa do not abandon us as you go back to America and thanks God for all benefactors in America for giving them a hope to get Biblical education in the quietness of the Bethlehem primary school in the countryside. One by one, they approached me with tears rolling down their eyes. Moved in tears myself as I comforted these children, praying over them one by one and soon enough the entire gathering body at the event were also moved in tears.

Parents' wisdom and support for the Church against godless Society

Spoke with some few parents from Juba and even Uganda who literally dropped off their children as old as 3 years at the boarding school under our supervision. Asked them, as a parent myself, what is motivating you, leaving city schools in Juba and other places in northern Uganda and dropping your very young children to a place most people considered dangerous, a village, a church school and backward.

Parents' wisdom and support for the Church against godless Society

They said, because they don’t like to raise their children in Juba and be brainwashed to hate parents, family, church, and God. Live in Juba according to most parents trying to make end meet is not simple. Most parents work for UN related NGO agencies to earn living between the rocks and hard places. Children are getting spoiled by the world during parent's absence in what is been taught to their children.

They thank you on behalf of ONMI for bringing true Biblical education to their children, their posterity. They don't want their children to go back to Juba. Or Nimule even during vacation. I was stunned to find 27 students living in Bethlehem Mission compounds during their 2 weeks’ vacation time in April.

Now took an up-close look at what we are doing on the ground in term of ONMI’S vision, goal and scope, challenges, and opportunities before us. This is much bigger than us but with God all is possible as nothing is too big for him.

The vision and the scope of ONMI are justified and approved by God. Iam profoundly convinced that God’s hand is in this work marked by the trials in my family life as well. Because the families, parents, church, and government have awakened up to these realities and working together.

What can we do?

All what we can now do is to continue in faith and deliver the most needed support to sustain the day to day demands for resources to improve the learning and living conditions of these children in the areas of:

1- Accommodation- spacious and clean dormitories are urgently needed to give these 520 students sanitary living condition. I was not satisfied with the current arrangement of the living and sleeping conditions.

2- Medical care facilities and medical supplies need major improvement. Sanitation and hygiene: ONMI need to finish two flush bathrooms for Bethlehem school. One for boys and one for girls. completion of this sanitation will solve a lot of problem including water and air borne disease.

3- Food: Beth Israel Farmland under ONMI and Parents are supplying children with food but feeding facility such as kitchens, cafeteria do not have proper facilities. This year we need to improve food production better than last year.

4- Teacher's quarters needs serious housing improvement -

5- Dependable water source: We finished the water project on Yerushalayim Summit on Gordon Mt and Bethlehem Mission Headquarters. Thank God ONMI has addressed those concerns for water in both commission compounds. Now we are able to pump 20,000 Liters of water which is 5000 gallons of water daily beginning from 7 Am - 6 PM both at Yerushalayim Summit on Gordon Mt and at Bethlehem Missions Headquarters. Everyone in the compound 650 of them will receive at least 7.5 Gallons a to wash themselves, drink, toilets, cooking.

6- Evangelism and Pastoral training: A Muslim declared, " I do not longer like to live in my former lifestyle I believe in Yeshua" . Best of my last day in South Sudan with our country director Timothy Ajjugo Levi and NTC 97.3FM Mr. Madrama James Lino was visiting and sharing the Good News with those who were in jail : here we are praying & sharing good news with a thief for His salvation at Nimule Prison . "Go & steal no more." Ephesians 4:28.

7 - NTC 97.3 FM: For our Gospel our reach, please tune to NTC 97.3FM Gospel Radio at Yerushalayim Summit on Gordon MT in Nimule RSS or visit us at www.operationsnehemiah.orgNTC 97.3 FM: For our Gospel our reach, please tune to NTC 97.3FM Gospel Radio at Yerushalayim Summit on Gordon MT in Nimule RSS or visit us at

8- Back here in the USA at the ministry front, I pray that God may God continue to strengthen my hands to make ONMI'S mission meet all the needs.

Bethlehem Primary School in Bethlehem Mission headquarters in Bethlehem – Borongole, EE, South Sudan.

Our field staff under ONMI country director Pastor Timothy Levi and project engineer Denis Otim put a serious effort to procure construction of the main school building with 12 rooms containing 8 classrooms, administration office, computer room, conference room and teachers’ room all contained within the 2-story building with 6 rooms down and 6 rooms upstairs. The classrooms are bigger than the typical classrooms measuring 9m x 8m with capacity to accommodate at least 68 students easily within 72 sqm each.

Roofing and corrugated Iron sheets were installed when I was on the ground. The children from P1- P5 are already attending their classes in the new building on the first floor because the first floor have has doors and windows fixed and it does not have problem of guardrails and banister while P6 – P7 are still in the temporary building across the street because their classrooms are on the second floor without guardrail or banister, they are not secured for children to get up there. Please see these pictures attached to give you some perspectives about the completed work on the building. Windows and doors for the second floor are also ready. We are praying and hoping to get the second-floor safety system established so that the entire 520 students and teachers’ general staff can move into the new building by the end of July.

Would you consider donating today? These are the most immediate needs in June 2022 to meet the needs stands at $110,000. Raise - $67,000 Balance - $43,000 Immediate by the end of June 30th. Your contribution is tax deductible and online donation can be made at Checks can be send to Operation Nehemiah Missions PO Box 563 Landsborough, MA 01237 Thank you very much for your generosity and faithfulness. God bless you & keep you. In His grace, William Levi, Founder & Overseer Phone: 413-770-4711 , e-mail:

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Operation Nehemiah Missions International Inc is headquartered in Lanesborough, MA USA. Statement of Faith: The compelling and prevailing motivation of Operation Nehemiah Missions is to promote the Gospel of Jesus Christ, ( Yeshua the Messiah) thereby bringing people to repentance and eternal Salvation for their soul upon this premises rest the welfare of any community and the Bible is the final authority in all matters of life. 2 Timothy 3:16- 18 

All our humanitarian and developmental initiative to rebuild South Sudan from the ashes war and Islamic persecution  rest upon this principles. Our core principle is  the discipleship of one person, one family, one church and one community at a time.

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