Nehemiah Bridge report, it is done and thank you.
Shalom to you and your family. From the debt of our hearts we are wishing you a blessed Hanukah and Christmas , very important holidays of profound significance in our lives. About 150 BC years after the death of Alexander the Great death, one of his successors, Antiochus Epiphanes, was especially cruel and intolerant toward the Jews.
The Festival of Lights as practiced today celebrates this history. Each year Jews retell the story of Hanukkah through the lighting of candles for 8 days. Although not commanded in the the Bible, historical account in the book of Maccabee is in perfect realignment with the Biblical prophecy mentioned in the book of Daniel. " He said to me, "It will take 2,300 evenings and mornings; then the sanctuary will be deconsecrated." (Daniel 8:14). the celebration offers an excellent opportunity to reflect on an inspirational account of conviction and heroism that preserved the Jewish people from extinction.
Yeshua celebrated Hanukah in the New Testament mentioned in book of Apostle of John 10: 22-24. For that reason, it could be said that if there had not been a Hanukkah there never could have been a Christmas. "The focus of Christmas so be it celebrated on December 25th, delineates the arrival of the Messiah as the true light of the world for the spiritual redemption and liberation of the both Israel and the nations from the bondage of sin while Hanukkah (dedication) , a miraculous act of God through the heroic victory of Maccabees against tyrannies was a foreshadow of Yeshua the Messiah who has ultimately set us mankind free from all oppressions . "If you hold to my teaching, you are really my disciples. Then you will know the truth and the truth will set free…. I tell you the truth, everyone who sins is a slave to sin… If the Son set you free you will be free indeed." (John 8:31-36).
So from home front what is happening? The Pressure is on but God is our anchor . Our daughter Abijah Levi, left in the picture was in accident and our our country director and his family and along with my sister below are going through trials themselves.
As my family continue to persevere through the spiritual trials of 2020, I want to thank you for your continuous prayers for us giving thanks to God in everything. This past Saturday, our eldest daughter Abijah Levi was involved in car accident. She was not physically harmed and there was not one else involved in the accident but the vehicle incurred some extensive damage . This was her first vehicle accident since she started driving. She will be going alone to Ecuador for two weeks in January 2021 as part of her midwifery training with a midwife, a family friend of ours.
In the field in South Sudan,
Timothy Levi, our Country Director and his wife Joyce Levi, who are behind the work of the ministry have been going through their own spiritual trials. This past October, our families both got spiritual attack the same day. They lost their 7th baby through miscarriage in October. Pastor Timothy Levi asks for your prayers as he has some swellings in his left hand joints. His wife is still recovering from a lost of a baby and three of their children have malaria as we speak. The Lady in the Middle is my second eldest Sister Rebekah Levi Ochuli..In November, we almost lost her, thank God for her son who is a doctor has been keenly attending to to her. She is recovering slowly by slowly. Please join me in praying for their total recovery. All this is taking place as the family is making a very critical decision and historic arrangement preparing women and children to return home from their partial refugee lives in Ugandan exile for the past 4 years.