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Nehemiah Bridge report, it is done and thank you.


Shalom to you and your family. From the debt of our hearts we are wishing you a blessed Hanukah and Christmas , very important holidays of profound significance in our lives. About 150 BC years after the death of Alexander the Great death, one of his successors, Antiochus Epiphanes, was especially cruel and intolerant toward the Jews.

The Festival of Lights as practiced today celebrates this history. Each year Jews retell the story of Hanukkah through the lighting of candles for 8 days. Although not commanded in the the Bible, historical account in the book of Maccabee is in perfect realignment with the Biblical prophecy mentioned in the book of Daniel. " He said to me, "It will take 2,300 evenings and mornings; then the sanctuary will be deconsecrated." (Daniel 8:14). the celebration offers an excellent opportunity to reflect on an inspirational account of conviction and heroism that preserved the Jewish people from extinction.

Yeshua celebrated Hanukah in the New Testament mentioned in book of Apostle of John 10: 22-24. For that reason, it could be said that if there had not been a Hanukkah there never could have been a Christmas. "The focus of Christmas so be it celebrated on December 25th, delineates the arrival of the Messiah as the true light of the world for the spiritual redemption and liberation of the both Israel and the nations from the bondage of sin while Hanukkah (dedication) , a miraculous act of God through the heroic victory of Maccabees against tyrannies was a foreshadow of Yeshua the Messiah who has ultimately set us mankind free from all oppressions . "If you hold to my teaching, you are really my disciples. Then you will know the truth and the truth will set free…. I tell you the truth, everyone who sins is a slave to sin… If the Son set you free you will be free indeed." (John 8:31-36).

So from home front what is happening? The Pressure is on but God is our anchor . Our daughter Abijah Levi, left in the picture was in accident and our our country director and his family and along with my sister below are going through trials themselves.

As my family continue to persevere through the spiritual trials of 2020, I want to thank you for your continuous prayers for us giving thanks to God in everything. This past Saturday, our eldest daughter Abijah Levi was involved in car accident. She was not physically harmed and there was not one else involved in the accident but the vehicle incurred some extensive damage . This was her first vehicle accident since she started driving. She will be going alone to Ecuador for two weeks in January 2021 as part of her midwifery training with a midwife, a family friend of ours.

In the field in South Sudan,

Timothy Levi, our Country Director and his wife Joyce Levi, who are behind the work of the ministry have been going through their own spiritual trials. This past October, our families both got spiritual attack the same day. They lost their 7th baby through miscarriage in October. Pastor Timothy Levi asks for your prayers as he has some swellings in his left hand joints. His wife is still recovering from a lost of a baby and three of their children have malaria as we speak. The Lady in the Middle is my second eldest Sister Rebekah Levi Ochuli..In November, we almost lost her, thank God for her son who is a doctor has been keenly attending to to her. She is recovering slowly by slowly. Please join me in praying for their total recovery. All this is taking place as the family is making a very critical decision and historic arrangement preparing women and children to return home from their partial refugee lives in Ugandan exile for the past 4 years.

Nehemiah Bridge mission report, It is done..

Nehemiah Bridge is final fixed.. We thank to God on your account. For the first time, since the flood washed it away, we were able to cross over with the vehicle to visit the Beth Israel Farmland. Key farm staff were cut off from getting supplies from the mission main's headquarter due to the breakdown of the bridge for a least a month. These are indeed trying times and yet God challenges us to rise up by faith to confront the odds just like in the days of Nehemiah and the Maccabees to rise up and confront the insurmountable task on record timing. Our team is putting final touches on it but the foundation is sustainable. It has been cured enough for heavy equipment to cross over. With your support and encouragement and by the grace of God we are able to pioneer the wilderness and blaze the trail. What you are helping us do here is very critical to advance the Great Commission in South Sudan. All this effort is taking place at the back drop of 50 years of Islamic oppression in the Sudan still on going which has gone for 50 years, displacing ten of Thousands of families into exile.

This is Beth Israel Farmland, field of Cassava in 2020. Key to food security

Welcome to Beth Israel Farmland, up in the fertile Akko Mt. After our ground team was able to cross the renovated bridge to Beth Israel farmland to inspect the condition of the farm, this is what we have found. With the few key staff out their managing the operation, we found out everything is going on well. This year the main crop adorning the Beth Israel farmland is the dominant Africa cassava and Eucalyptus trees and a a lot of fruit trees. There is no question in my mind, the South Sudanese can feed themselves and help others in need and do not have to import food from Uganda if the displacement stops and the people return home permanently to rebuild their lives

These Eucalyptus trees at Berth Israel farmland beat expectation. In a year they grew from 2 ft. - 10 ft.

Last November 2019, we planted 3000 of these Eucalyptus trees at Beth Israel Farmland. Just a year later, they have grown from 2ft -10ft

These Eucalyptus trees at Beth Israel farmland beat expectation. In a year they grew from 2 ft. - 10 ft. We will be investing in planting more of these trees so that the country does not have to import construction materials from Uganda.

If the Lord leads you to support our in agro-forestry project, we ask you to pray with us and support this initiative

ONMI's Bethlehem Borongole Mission campus former main center is under going repair as it is anticipating for the return of the mission staff and their families from exile. Active Renovation of Windows, doors and bath rooms has begun at ONMI Mission Bethlehem Borongole campus. setting stages for our staff and families to return from exile to serve the community who are poised to come home to rebuild their lives after four years in refugee camps. Support in this area is on going.

Fruits from Beth Israel Farmland and the product of South Sudan. These Fruit trees were planted just in the Fall of 2018 and now they are bearing fruits. South Sudan can sustain herself if only if we can put our hands together, pray for permanent peace and stability in our country.

One Backhoe makes all the difference for them.

Alas, until now, the desolation was total. It has been four years since Loa community and many others were deserted due to national Crisis in South Sudan. This gothic iconic Cathedral in Loa was abandoned in 2016. Its entrance were desecrated and the road leading there was reduced to nothing but a path to wilderness. But now, Praise God. When use the road to Loa Mission been opened by the community of Loa in Pageri County, this is a miracle from God a beautiful sight and reminder that South Sudanese are returning home from exile to rebuild their country. Joined by the county Commissioner Emilio Iga and the Elders, men and women are putting their hands together for this good work. Also, you notice that this is not UNHCR Relief effort. It is ONMI with your support providing Backhoe to clear the road from the Main Nimule Juba Rd to Loa Mission. This is the work of God.

The USA Election. The death of Moral Courage!

From the stand point of someone like me who love faith, family and freedom in this country after escaping Islamic persecution in the Sudan, it is imperative to see American Constitution playing out, as we are watching. Thank God, so far there is no a single state breaking out into a civil war or people taking refuge in Canada or Mexico. We take things for granted aren't we here in America? God forbid, should we live to see full scale Communist regime and Islamism competing for power over America. By the grace of God, President Trump is still our president, the military is constrained and Joe Biden is not in jail and we are still here and we can still go to church. This thing has to play out. President Trump Campaign team and the protests that have been going on are within the bound of the Constitution, law and order. In fact police don't even have to worry about people burning things down with exception of few violence caused by Antifa. President Trump should not concede until there is some closer to the election fraud. He will be sabotaged from the Left and and from the Right just to get rid of him. But for the sake of 75 million from all across the nation, Faith, Family and Freedom in America, we too must persevere in prayer and courage and take stand. God God will do the rest. He put the constitution in place many years ago through the Founding Fathers to address constitutional crisis of our time.

The constitution is not some useless parchment collecting dust in the US Library of Congress. By not conceding, the election, President Trump is not doing this for himself but for the country and for God. I believe, in the face of obvious election corruption, all three branches of governments at the State and Federal level have simply abdicated their responsibilities and grown complacent and equally corrupted. Applying the constitution for what the constituting is written for, to many of these career politicians is like rocking the boat. Then came along President Trump 4 years ago with America First ( MAGA) Platform to use the constitution to run the country. They ask him, constitution, what constitution? Get out of here. !! There is no four more years for you!! This is why they refused to hear any of these people with sworn affidavits from the contested states. But it was okay to disrupt the administration and spent 4 years in endless false allegation and investigation of election fraud against the President.

Remember , Joe Biden won 477 counties in the USA which is only 15 % of those counties but over 2497 of the US counties 75 % went to President Trump, 27 state governorship are in the hand of GOP and about 31 State Legislatures out of 50 states are in the hand of GOP. GOP House candidates did not lose seats. They gained seats and shrank the size of Dem House of Rep. down to a slim majority of 9 seats. We are keeping Georgia Senate run off in our prayers. So much at the stake there. People want answers to what actually happened in 2020 election.

This is important, if it is God's will and all all constitutional remedies are applied and the wrong is righted then we will see President Trump reelected against all odds. Or like in the days of Israel in the book of Judges where everyone did what was right in their own eyes then the wrong guy gets in their and mess things up big time. Remember, the people asked Prophet Samuel to give them a king of their own. So God gave them King Saul. You know the rest of the story. Nevertheless, Romans 8:28. What is happening will help shape our children's future living in 21 century America. But nothing is hard with God if he wants President Trump to stay in office for another 4 yrs. A lot can still change in the next one month. If not , God has covered all our concerns already. He is our anchor. What can a man do to us.? If God is for us who can be against us?

Prayer, National Day of Prayers in South Sudan to be scheduled:

Pray for these US Spiritual leaders: Rabbi Jonathan Cahn, Rev. Franklin Graham, and Arch Bishop Foley Beach as their wisdom and participation were sought by South Sudanese government delegation to the US to bring Repentance and Restoration to the country of South Sudan in 2021. Historic Meeting between South Sudan Government Delegation and Samaritan's Purse, Rabbi Jonathan Cahn and Arch Bishop Foley Beach coordinated by Operation Nehemiah Missions was conducted in October to bring to bear on this event. The goal is to seek God's intervention in bringing a healing to South Sudan and restore relationship among her people and with American Christians and Government. South Sudan has decided to initiate bilateral relations with United States, which has always been indispensable and instrumental during our darkest hours. The South Sudanese delegation was approaching this relationship with both US Government first beginning with the Church leaders from the standpoint of our shared and cherished value which is our Christian Biblical world view on which our faith, family and freedom are anchored in Jesus Christ.

Israel: Which route did they take to get back from Egypt to the Promise Land and why is it significant to understanding another dimension to the Abraham Accord. ?

In 2017, the Lord brought a couple from Indiana into our ministry. In the course of our friendship and co-laboring in the ministry, they sent us some books and video called God of the Mountain and Sinai Mountain in Arabia. It gave Biblical account word for word how the Israelite left Egypt by the way of the Red Sea. Where did they cross the Red Sea? Where do read that in the Bible? Isn't Midia in Saudi Arabia and wasn't Moses wife from there too? We also know why did it take them 40 years to get back to the promise land.? Did they wondered through the entire Arabian Peninsula before they came to the eastern Shore of Jordan River and before Crossing into Jericho? Did all of the tribes reached the Promise Land? Or did hey follow the route in this map below or the one in the video? It makes perfectly sense to me that they might had walked the entire perimeter of the Arabian Peninsula and Some Clan within the tribes stayed or died there because according to scripture only two elders made it with the young generation. I always wondered may be it is true that some part or most of Arabian Peninsula was Jewish and later on some of them became Messianic Jews before Islamic conquest and subsequently got absorbed into Arab and Islamic culture?

Now, yes, I thank God for the Millers for these videos. I hope Jim and Penny Caldwell's video below can help you under the the Biblical bases for Abraham Accord in the Arabian Peninsula in a deeper sense. But of course there is always room for error, Watch the video below and judge for yourself.

Israel is just about establishing relationship with the entire Arabian Peninsula a huge chunk of land boxed in by three body of water, Red Sea, the Persian Gulf and Indian Ocean. All three are international trade routes and all these events are unfolding before our eyes during President Trump's Administration. This relationship has come about without involving the Palestinians, who have opposed it from the onset. The UN, China, EU and the Russian are completely against it. Nevertheless, it is unstoppable because there is something specially about it for those of us who view what is going on from Biblical stand point. No matter what happens in the future in the Israeli Palestinian conflict resolution, this recent developing relationship between Israel with her neighbors: Bahrain, UAE, Saudi Arabia, Oman, the Sudan, Morocco and Bhutan will be irreversible. This is very significant.

This whole unfolding scenario must have a biblical explanation and I believed God has used this couple from Louisiana, James and Penny Caldwell to walk us through it in 7 of their 8 video documentary called Mountain of God - Jim & Penny Caldwell Interview. "Jim and Penny Caldwell's painstakingly documented explorations deep into the Arabian Peninsula over an 8 year period corroborates in great detail the earlier findings of the late Ron Wyatt - but it goes further by fleshing out the exodus and 40 year wandering accounts in startling ways that may begin the transformation of humanity's self-identity, and hence, the political landscape of the planet beginning in Israel and the middle-east." Just watch this God of the Mountain video.

Jewish World • By TPS News Israel • 16 December, 2020 . After many years of waiting, 252 members of Bnei Menashe from India landed at Ben Gurion Airport on … Courtesy of TPS News, Israel

Monthly Support: We are purely pressing ahead by faith and God is demonstrating that, faith is not a blanket statement, it works through His people .. you and I

How can you help? As we are entering the beginning of Fourth quarter Oct- December 2020, ONMI's Monthly fix & variable budget for the month of December stands at $35,056 excluding special projects from various departments. We are confident that by the grace of God with your tenacious support, we can meet this goal before the end of the month.

All contribution to Operation Nehemiah Mission is tax-deductible.

If the Lord leads you to help us today, for on line donation that will have immediate impact,

please visit our website at

Current needs December 2020 in the order of Priorities

1- Staff and operational budget - $ 20,000

2- Agriculture - $5,000

3- Medical healthcare - $5,000

4- Painting Radio Tower - $5000

5- Fixing 7 mission building Repair - $5,000

6- Contingency - $5000

7 - Missions outreach - $5000.00

"But my God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by in Yeshua the Messiah. "

In His grace

William Levi, Founder & Overseer

Operation Nehemiah Missions

PO Box 563

Lanesborough MA 01237 USA




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Operation Nehemiah Missions International Inc is headquartered in Lanesborough, MA USA. Statement of Faith: The compelling and prevailing motivation of Operation Nehemiah Missions is to promote the Gospel of Jesus Christ, ( Yeshua the Messiah) thereby bringing people to repentance and eternal Salvation for their soul upon this premises rest the welfare of any community and the Bible is the final authority in all matters of life. 2 Timothy 3:16- 18 

All our humanitarian and developmental initiative to rebuild South Sudan from the ashes war and Islamic persecution  rest upon this principles. Our core principle is  the discipleship of one person, one family, one church and one community at a time.

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