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ONMI launches Messiah Transporters for income generation.


Shalom to you, brothers and sisters in Yeshua. I pray and hope that this message finds you well in the Lord. I wish to report the impact of your collaborative efforts in advancing ONMI's sustainability initiative during the first four months of mission activities on the ground in the Department of Transportation, Nursery and Primary school and the polytechnic institute.

ONMI's Director of Ground Operations report

 At the beginning of this year, 2024, ONMI made a fundamental leadership change from the previous administration to the current administration to address ONMI’s vision and goals to implement sustainability.

 So, the new ONMI administration on the ground is led by Matthew Abuca, the Director of Ground Operations, and is accountable to the Restructuring and Leadership Team.   

Matthew Abucha - ONMI Director of Ground Operations

The RLT’s primary goal was to repair all ONMI’s vehicles and equipment left in disrepair and put them into Income-generating initiatives. Today, we will look at one of these vehicles, which the RLT leadership has repaired and put to work thanks to your generosity to underwriting emergency funds to make these repairs possible.  

Here is a Full report from the Director of ground Operations about the use of the main bus for income generation:

 The Coaster Bus Business Analysis.

The Messiah Transporters launched in May 2024- Raised $1,600 or 4,000,000 SSP, can you match it dollar for Dollar?

 In 2024, ONMI established LRT to lead a new administration focused on sustainable living and a revolving economy within the income-generating departments. One of the key initiatives is the operation of Messiah Transporter, a transportation department with four main vehicles, including the Coaster Bus. The Coaster Bus, in particular, has been a significant contributor to our income generation.  It was launched as an income-generating activation in Juba, the Capital City of South Sudan, and primarily serves Juba’s commuters, as well as other travelers and visitors within South Sudan.

This monitoring trip aimed to maximize transportation profits by educating the driver and his assistant about various aspects of the business, including collecting transport fares, operating routes, bookkeeping related to income and expenses, business vision, reporting, and the use of Mgurush, a mobile Money app for business transactions.

On 10/6/2024, the status of the Coaster Bus was as follows: The bus has a 24-seat capacity and valid operating licenses. There were no mechanical defaults. Additionally, the bus commenced operations in May and generated around 4,000,000ssp, which is about $1600. Half of the money was utilized for daily expenses, while the remaining half was submitted to our finance treasurer. The funds were used to pay the salaries of the two staff members. In June the projected income is 5000000 SSP, which is $2000.

  How can you help ONMI, our key benefactor, encourage this activity to boost sustainability via the Messiah Transporters? The Director of Ground Operations thank you for everything, and he requests your support to match every dollar for dollar as the Coaster Bus generates monthly.  In May, The Messiah Transporter generated 4000000SSP, which is $1600. As the Lord leads, please donate your matching gift here: Donate. According to  DoGo, the goal is to purchase another bus as early as next year.

ONMI's Coordinator of Education for BNPA Reports - Joseph Drichi Reports

Another sustainability initiative was Launched by the Director of Ground Operation, Mr. Matthew Abucha, at the Bethlehem Nursery and Primary Academy.

The  BNPA’s  Bursar and ONMI Intern student, Nancy from UCC, was assigned to follow up with parents who had not cleared their children's overdue school fees for BNPA in the previous term by making direct phone calls to the parents.

Parent-Teacher Association is an Executive Committee that represents parents in BNPA and is committed to overseeing all plans and the well-being of the school. Its objectives include furthering educational welfare, fostering cooperation between parents, pupils, and education authorities, and promoting loyalty and integrity in the school.

The function of the PTA in the school encompasses organizing parent meetings to raise funds for construction and co-curricular activities, providing physical facilities through self-help efforts, ensuring proper banking and accounting of all raised funds, establishing a communication channel between homes and schools, and more.

The PTA supports teachers in gaining deeper insight into their pupils and home environments. The school governing bodies are responsible for managing school funds and assets. These funds will be used for educational purposes, including paying teachers' salaries, providing medical care for students, feeding pupils, meeting transportation needs, and honoring any conditions attached to donations or bequests received by the school. The governing body should prepare an annual budget in line with the guidelines determined by the executive council, showing the estimated contributions and expenditures for the following financial year.

Additionally, the BNPA aims to educate young South Sudanese pupils from primary levels to prepare them for the future blue-collar workforce. The long-term goal is to keep skilled workers in South Sudan and prevent the brain drain of the country's youths by offering education that keeps them within the country. BNPA Academy aims to create a conducive learning environment for children from all South Sudanese ethnic backgrounds, breaking down tribal barriers and promoting unity through the love of God and the Fellowship of the Holy Spirit in Yeshua.

ONMI's Provost- Coordinator for Polytechnic Institute- Report - James Unzi

Students of Beauty Salon and Tailoring and Fashion design are seeing the fruit of their studies

NPI is Private Boarding and Day school Polytechnic vocational training facility in South Sudan. It offers technical training to students who have completed Primary 8, Senior 1-4, and A-Level 5-6, as well as adults with a technical background. The institute aims to equip the youth to join the blue-collar workforce and rebuild their lives, families, and churches in South Sudan after years of war and displacement.

To promote Christian standards and self-governance in South Sudan and surrounding countries, it is important to inspire individuals to be a positive influence, eliminate dependence on relief efforts, eradicate illiteracy, and serve as an example of self-governance.

d) NPI aims to restore human dignity to the community by focusing on one person, one family, one church, and one community at a time. J&J MacLean Polytechnic will equip students with academic knowledge and a Biblical worldview centered on God's order of creation, promoting honesty and hard work. The institution will also encourage students to live out their faith in public, uphold sexual purity and marriage, and respect the sanctity of life and human dignity.

e) Help our young generation to pursue technical education in their desired faculties. We aim for them to develop into individuals who can contribute to building strong families, churches, countries and foster entrepreneurialism.

To enhance security and protect the water source, we are planning to set up a permanent structure and deploy dedicated security personnel at the base of the mountain. Furthermore, we are committed to establishing solar power sources, installing solar streetlights, and ensuring a sustainable water supply and internet connectivity at the mission center. We have outlined a detailed plan and budget of $21,000 to carry out these essential initiatives. Your support, prayers, and participation in this endeavor are deeply valued. Together, we can overcome these challenges and continue our vital work. Thank you for standing with us.

Thank you for joining us in this effort; we appreciate your prayers and support. “We are doing great work on the Wall; why should we allow them to lure us to go down while the work stops? Nehemiah 6:3   There are Samballah, Tobia, and Geshem trying to stop the work for us. They are not fighting us but God in Yeshua.

I hope that ONMI's sustainability efforts, with your support, will inspire you. If it is meant to be, I hope you will consider backing ONMI's renewed sustainability management initiative. Investing in agriculture and aiding those in need can positively impact shaping a better future for everyone. The budget for June 2024 is $50,000, with $21,000 allocated for enhancing water security, restoration, and infrastructure at NTC 97.3 FM during the Yerushalayim c Summit in Gordon, MT.

All financial contributions are tax-deductible. Donations can be made online at Donate ONMI Missions or mailed to ONMI at PO Box 563, Lanesborough, MA 01237.


 God bless.

 In His grace

 William Levi, Founder and CEO ONMI



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Operation Nehemiah Missions International Inc is headquartered in Lanesborough, MA USA. Statement of Faith: The compelling and prevailing motivation of Operation Nehemiah Missions is to promote the Gospel of Jesus Christ, ( Yeshua the Messiah) thereby bringing people to repentance and eternal Salvation for their soul upon this premises rest the welfare of any community and the Bible is the final authority in all matters of life. 2 Timothy 3:16- 18 

All our humanitarian and developmental initiative to rebuild South Sudan from the ashes war and Islamic persecution  rest upon this principles. Our core principle is  the discipleship of one person, one family, one church and one community at a time.

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