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ONMI News Brief: Summer mission news Updates

Shalom to you brothers and sisters. I want convey my sincere greeting to you and hoping that all is going well with you and your family. We have been praying for you and your loved ones. It has been quite a while when I last communicated with you about what's happening with with us here in in the USA and the ongoing work in South Sudan. Overall, we are doing well by the grace of God.

From the home front, my wife Hannah and our children and I are pressing on with home fellowship, home schooling and watching in prayer the current state of our country during the 2020 Election year. In July and part of August we traveled across America in speaking engagements. Two weeks ago, we had a wonderful visit by our ministry co-laborers, Rev. Dr. Daniel and Victoria Frodge from Florida along with some of their children. We had wonderful home fellowship here in our home. Dr. Dan Frodge brought us a message both in the morning and in the evening. Every time I came to Community Chapel in Bartow, FL to give an updates on ONMI, work in South Sudan, Dr. Frodge asked me to fill the pulpit and preach the Word to the church and encourage the brethren. So it was perfectly fitting that he came to our home and encouraged us...

We want to thank you on behalf of ONMI's staff for your prayers and financial support in the month of August. Without your tenacious support, it could have been impossible for us to press ahead with the work.


Solar lights are now installed and operational in Beth Israel Farmland in South Sudan.

Please find reports on the 21 solar lights installed throughout Beth Israel Farmland, and ONMI’s Bethlehem’s farm area where elephants have been roaming about dangerously destroying crops and endangering people’s lives. Our ground team, has joyfully received the consignment of the solar lights and the poles to hang them on. Upon receiving them, they went right away to install them. These people are literally blazing the trail of impeccable development in rural South Sudan. This is the impact of your generosity which depicts American Exceptionalism that set her apart from the rest of the world. Your genuine desire and biblical conviction is making a difference in the lives of people in South Sudan. You are helping ONMI in delivering state of the art of an infrastrustructure unheard of in many part of third world country to a community recovering from the ashes of Islamic war of persecution in the Sudan. You are helping them to stay in their home country, by empowering them to stand on their feet, work with their own hands and support their families. They feel empowered and cared for by God through your love and support. The life span of these solar lights will go on for a least a decade.

They are self powered and set up at the exit and entry points where the elephants enter the property. This initiative is not only strategy to deter elephants from destroying farmlands but also it has electrified Beth Israel farmland and Bethlehem with solar electricity.


The Nile Beth Israel Congregation Mugali: Churches in South Sudan are opened for service.

Since the global lockdown of country after countries too effect due to Corona Virus global pandemic, churches in South Sudan were also closed down for at least 4 - 5 months. But I'm very grateful to report that the churches in South Sudan are opened. People are going to church on Sundays and Sabbath. Here is Nile Beth Israel Messianic Congregation in Mogali, Eastern Equatoria under Pastor Thomas. So the Gospel has been preached through the Churches and as well as through the Nehemiah Trumpet Call Gospel radio 97.3 FM over the airwaves of South Sudan and northern Uganda.


Rumbek, Lake State South Sudan : Beth Messiah:

Church planting in South Sudan is indispensable as part of spiritual rebuilding of the country from Islamic war of persecutions.

I want to thank God for you for helping ONMI with fund to set up a church in Rumbek in Lake State. The congregants now have roof over their head and the church is opened for service at the Beth Messiah Messianic Congregation under the leadership of John Thon Makur


In South Sudan's capital city of Juba, ONMI's helping CBC (Christian Brotherhood Church) an evangelicals church with funding to build a large church with holding capacity of 1000 people in given Sunday service. Bishop Simon Tibi expressed his appreciation for the $1000 he received in August from ONMI to help with roofing material for the church.


The exiles are returning home.

South Sudanese community dispersed into refugee camps, by the national Crisis in 2016, who were originally the residents of Kerepi district where our ministry is based are considering to return home to rebuild their lives. Steering committee has been set in July 2020 to send assessement team to the ground next week to assess damage on properties belonging to the community who fled for refugee during the crisis. This is truly answer to our prayers because Operation Nehemiah Missions has not vacated the country from 2004 to date. Our ministry is well position to help the steering committee sending the assessment team with idea they need to safely layout out the plan for the general repatriation of the returnees to their home land. They will need water points, medical facility, seeds and farm tools to start rebuilding their lives. But more importantly, they need God's grace to heal them from the emotional impact of war and destruction and how to move beyond the past.


My annual Mission trip to South Sudan is scheduled for November 2020. Please keep this in your prayers.

I will be heading to South Sudan in November 2020 before the end of the year to inspect the work on the ground. There are international flights from Boston, MA to Qatar and from Qatar to Ethiopia and from Ethiopia to Juba, South Sudan and back. I will be going with my father in law Mr. Robert Kirkman and couple of my children. Pray that all will go well with the Mission trip. Pray that all the funding and resources needed to make this trip successful will be provided. Budget fort the trip will be outlined soon,!

Major Highlights : The current Spiritual state of USA.

I will be joining Rabbi Jonathan Cahn of the Beth Israel Messianic Congregation, Wayne, NJ, the vision man behind the initiative of the Return, a national revival prayer in Washington DC on September 26, 2020. If you are from New England and interested to go, please call me at 413-770-4711

ABOUT THE RETURN: " The Return is a movement, an appointed time, and a specific day set apart for one purpose – the return to God by coming before His presence in humility, in sincerity in prayer, and repentance. The movement begins now and will continue through the entire year of 2020 leading up to 10 Days of Prayer, Fasting, and Repentance – Starting with the Biblical Feast of Trumpets and ending with the Day of Atonement (September 18-September 28). The central day of The Return will be Saturday, September 26, 2020 on the National Mall and throughout the nation and world. " Ephesians 6:10-1810Finally, be strong in the LORD and in his mighty power. 11Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil's schemes. 12For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms........"


USA: November Election and what is at stake.

Don't fall for their snare. If the Liberal Left can't appreciate what has been done in the last four years, then you wonder, what do they want to turn America into?

" 1 Timothy 2:1-2 1I urge, then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for all people- 2for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness."

From my previous news report, I shared my thoughts about the ongoing compounding crisis under which United States is going through as a country. But the problems we are facing nowadays in America can be summed in few paragraph and let us face it.

The National Convention by the two major parties in America: RNC and DNC have come and gone. We are now less than 50 days from November 3rd general Election where Americans will finally have a say in deciding the fate of the next presidency. It will be unto us to take stand for truth and righteousness. God as we know will have a final says which way things will turn out to be. This is why we must not stop praying. In 2016 President Trump was the best thing ever happen to America and the world. By the grace of God, I believe his administration is the only thing standing between the vicious lawless mob and the rest of America. Only what they want in the white House is former VP Joe Biden who is beholden to these mobs. These career politicians in the likes of the figure heads such as former VP Joe Biden who have been in this swampy Washington Politics for 47 years have been put on notice since 2016 by God himself for choosing unlikely person in the caliber of Donald Trump who had never held public office. I believe GOD has wanted to take our country back to the original founding principles of this nation and that is to be city on the Hill. This in part is the definition of Revival, Repentance and Restoration of America from dead works for which God put President Trump in office. We him again for re-election for the second term.

The Liberal Left have created a world of political correctness around themselves, a world of empty bubble devoid of American reality and way of lives. Since, they are loosing ground so quickly, they have resorted to looting, burning, defunding the Police, Antifa, Sanctuary cities, BLM- Marxist socialism communism, Anarchies, voter fraud by mass mailing and promotion of Islamic agenda in America are the latest tools being deployed to stage a come back and retake the White House, and the Senate. So let us see how that is going to help Joe Biden and Kamala Harris' ticket in November from being completely drained out of the Washington Swamp.

This upcoming election give us stark contrast between good and evil choices before us in America. It is not a question of choosing the lesser of two evils as there is no such things. We are about to chose between Good and Evil, In America, we worship God not government. The Liberal Left and the media wants us to believe otherwise. Democrats, Liberal, Media and Climate hoax scientists, the UN, China, ISIS, Iran, etc. have been sent ducking for cover since President Trump's coming to Washington DC to drain the Swamp. He proved to be a real disruptor to Washington DC Swamp Dwellers who have been destroying America for decades and decades because he is not beholding to anyone.

America is destroyed by Career politicians and godless liberal intellectuals who have rejected God and worship themselves and the environment. They promote abortion, brainwashed our children in public school by promoting gender confusion among the youths. They set up government that promote family breakdown and identity politics.

Nowadays, they have resorted to brainwashing American institutions of governance with Critical Race Theory training. Their agenda has leapt from classrooms of American Academia to the main stream. The Left is furthering their agender to tear the country apart into tribes along "racial and economic divides." These people tells you and I to be ashamed and guilty of of each of our respective God given skin complexion from birth. But they are not ashamed to tell LGBTQ group brainwashed into gender dysphoria to believe a lie and live a pretended of a lifestyle that does not originate from birth.

The truth of the matter is there is only one human race, created in the image of God male and female God created us. Now they are teaching people that to be born black is misfortunate and to be born white is oppressive. Therefore, misfortunate one happened to be born black must demand restitution from the oppressor who happened to be born white. Have this people lost their souls and minds? God create every person different and unigue for his glory. For Psalms 139:14 declares "For I am fearfully and wonderfully made. The wonderfulness of the human mechanism is so great that, if realized, it produces a sensation of fear. It has been said that, if we could see one-half of what is going on within us, we should not dare to move. Marvelous are thy works; i.e. thy doings generally. " The only thing that has corrupted human race is sin. This is the human depravity without Christ and without redemption we are dead in our transgression. " He saved us, not because of righteous things we had done, but because of his mercy. He saved us through the washing of rebirth and renewal by the Holy Spirit, Titus 3:5 But the Liberal left want to tell you and I how to think, dress, eat and where to live and go to school.

They destroy our economy and render the country vulnerable

They pick up fights with foreign adversaries without counting the cost. They deplete our military without the goal to winning the wars. They tend to build US economy based on crony capitalism driven by keeping US military to police hostile nations who despise our ways of lives. They lay heavy burden on American businesses by taxation and environmental regulations, controlled by the Union politics thus causing America businesses to outsource their businesses to foreign countries who despise our American way of lives. This people worship the Creation rather than the Creator. They engage in foreign trade but only to end up with net loss to the US foreign trade competitors.

Don't take part in turning America into Marxist-Socialism

Like many people who came to America fleeing Islamic persecution in Islamic Caliphates countries or the Soviet Union Style Communism and Marxism which are still being practiced in places like China, Cuba and Venezuela, I warn you my fellow Americans who are born here in this country, please don't experiment these ideologies in this country. If you keep on putting these liberals into power comes November, you will not be able to recognize America within the next four years.


USA set the stage: Israel and Arab Islamic nations diplomatic breakthrough with ( UAE and Bahrain)

In November 2019, I was in Israel to attend Christian Media Summit organized by the office of Israeli Government Press or GPO under Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. Over 150 Evangelical and Messianic Media Outlets from around the world were present. We prayed and went to work by making sure BDS ( Boycott, Divest and Sanction) an evil global movement designed to stain the true image of Israel is stopped on its track. Sure indeed, God answered our prayers. In less than a year, today we are beginning to see some fruits from that effort. Under President Trump, a no nonsense US President, unlike others who have gone before him, we are witnessing an amazing development and transformation of the Arab Islamic-Israeli Conflict resolutions. Palestinian Authority has held most of these nations who want to have friendly relationship with Israel literally captive because of their unrealistic expectation of the Jewish State. But now, thing are changing. The PA has choices to make if they really want peace or make noise. Israel is on track to establish record diplomatic relationship with several Arabs Islamic states who were until of the recent, declared themselves as avowed enemies of Israel for the unattentanble cause of PA.

How can you help? As we are entering the third Quarter, September 2020, ONMI's monthly fix & variable budget for the month of September 2020 stands at $ 35,056, We received pledge and support for $12,000. We need $23056 factoring in critical projects like agriculture, healthcare, and Church planting. We are confident that by the grace of God with your tenacious support, we can meet the goal before the end of the month. All contributions to Operation Nehemiah Mission are tax-deductible. You can send your support to Operation Nehemiah Missions at PO Box 563 Lanesborough, MA 01237. and Online, a contribution can be made at In His service William Levi, Founder & Overseer



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Operation Nehemiah Missions International Inc is headquartered in Lanesborough, MA USA. Statement of Faith: The compelling and prevailing motivation of Operation Nehemiah Missions is to promote the Gospel of Jesus Christ, ( Yeshua the Messiah) thereby bringing people to repentance and eternal Salvation for their soul upon this premises rest the welfare of any community and the Bible is the final authority in all matters of life. 2 Timothy 3:16- 18 

All our humanitarian and developmental initiative to rebuild South Sudan from the ashes war and Islamic persecution  rest upon this principles. Our core principle is  the discipleship of one person, one family, one church and one community at a time.

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