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Resurrection of Yeshua is the Climax of the whole Bible.

Shalom to you in the name of Yeshua. I hope and pray that this Missive finds you well and sound in Yeshua. The Power of Resurrection of Yeshua is the Climax of the whole Bible otherwise you might as well kiss goodbye to the Bible and embrace humanism. Remember it is written “ But if Messiah is in you, your body is dead because of sin, yet your spirit is alive because of righteousness. 11And if the Spirit of Him who raised Yeshua from the dead is living in you, He who raised Yeshua the Messiah from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies through His Spirit, who lives in you. "

This chapter speaks volume of truth into our lives even 2000 years later the power of Resurrection of Yeshua has transformed billions of lives. Today, I can testify to the validity of these verses in my own life how he transforms me from who was when I was blind, but now I can see. I was like Thomas, a doubter but now I believed, sinner but now I am saved.

If one's ever doubted the Power of Resurrection in Yeshua that has been transforming people's lives from all walks of lives for the past 2000 years and counting, just look! Here at ONMI Mission centers in Kerepi Mutala and Bethlehem, EE South Sudan: They are simply singing and thanking Yeshua for what He down done for us and for them. The Nile Beth Israel Messianic Congregation, Bethlehem - Borongole, EE state celebrating Resurrection weekend by singing Thank you Jesus. Thank you, Yeshua, in my soul, in my heart... The Messiah Ambassadors’ House still need complete electrical work to be done to power the entire property – cost of batteries, solar panels, solar inverters, bulbs, electrical wiring etc.

This weekend a new Kehillah, a new church, will be opened. Simply to be called The Messiah Ambassadors House

This coming weekend, a new church (Kehillah) will be officially opened at ONMI’s newly established mission Center of The Ambassadors of Messiah House in Kerepi Mutala, EE State. The community asked ONMI to establish a house of worship for them beginning this weekend. Thus far, we have all the marks to establish a Kehilla here: There are several identifying marks. For those of you who want to know how we planted a Kehillah (church) .? In principle, we don’t but God does it through us as willing vessels to do His Will to establish His kingdom on earth as it is in heaven.

Well, this will be our Seven Church planted since 2008. That is 2 churches every two years. Here are the identifying marks for a Kehillah (church): First the group is discipled, grounded, and considers itself to be a local expression of the body of Yeshua. The size of the group is not significant in determining this. The discipled group meets regularly for worship, praise, and the teaching of the Word as a community (Heb. 10:24).The group celebrates the bread and the wine of the Messiah’s Supper (1 Cor. 11) and the mikvah (immersion) of new believers. The disciple group has recognized elder leadership and considers itself submitted to their authority under the authority of the Bible (1 Tim. 3 and 1 Peter 5:2).

The group’s foundation is the Messiah rather than business commitments, hobbies, or other involvements that might draw believers together (Eph. 2:20, 1 Cor. 3:11). The general calling of each member of the body regarding four central biblical teachings: staying close to one another, supporting one another financially, serving one another in practicing hospitality, and submitting lovingly to one another.

Preparation has begun at The Messiah Ambassadors’ House to officially open the church this weekend. A beautiful room has been set aside that can hold at least 50-100 people without problem. We need 100 chairs, Bibles - and final touches on the wall, ceiling board and windows and doors

Worship service at the Yerushalayim Summit on Mountain Gordon

Another church (Kehillah) will be planted by Abraham Chok Makwach , in Yirol, Lake state in a month. Pastor Makwach left Anglican Episcopalian Church of South Sudan due to the influence of Global LGBTQ movement that has infiltrated the Church of England. He will be closed to Pastor John Thon Makur in Rumbek.

Light Beth Messiah Rumbek

Worship service at the Nile Beth Israel Center - Bethlehem Borongole

Paver block production for the Bethlehem Primary School

Last year we started to build The Bethlehem Primary School Flush toilet septic tank system. We raised $19, 000 that went towards the project. The project still requires an additional $10,000 to complete the water and plumbing system. If you are led to support this donate at

Beth Israel farm Feeder Road has become unpassable-

As the rainy season started this year, we are truly blessed by its early down pouring because cultivation and putting down seedlings for a good harvest to stem out hunger and establish food security is urgent. However, the road leading to the farm has become difficult to drive through. Ordinary vehicles will not be able to pass. Most recently, we have been using ONMI backhoe to do some road leveling. In the process the backhoe develops three major mechanical problems that put the machine out of commission.

Backhoe is down at the job site: Repair work on the equipment requires $3000

The backhoe will proceed to the Beth Israel Farmland to clear 5 acres of land for planting teaks and Eucalyptus trees for timbers.

Repair work on the equipment requires $3000 that I need to dispatch to the field staff asap. Could you join us to help raise this support? Online donation will be donated at www.o,

The National Religious broadcasting annual Conference is taking place this year in Orlando FL from May 22-25. ONMI is planning to set up a booth and exhibition of its work in South Sudan. Sponsorship – for the event- $4500.00. donation towards the event

My annual Mission trip to South Sudan will be from the last week in May – June needs your prayers for guidance, wisdom and provision.

Prayer needs:

Last month we put out the general needs of the mission encompassing the following projects:

1- The medical Department - $10,000

2- The nursery school under construction along with the teacher’s quarters and students’ bathroom. Budget - 51,000,

The Messiah Ambassador House restoration project - $25,000 - Immediate: The Messiah Ambassadors’ House still need complete electrical work to be done to power the entire property – cost of batteries, solar panels, solar inverters, bulbs, electrical wiring etc. is about - $ 5000

4- General Mission USA office - $25,000 (

5- General mission South Sudan - $15,000

6- Entrepreneurial venture – $10,000

7- Water for Opari village – $14,000

8- Medical shipment from - $15,000

Grant total: $ 170,000. _ Raised $121,000

Balance total: $47,000.

Thank for your support and prayers for my upcoming mission trip to the South Sudan: Your donations are tax deductible and online donations can be made at Checks can be sent to Operation Nehemiah Missions PO Box 563 Landsborough, MA 01237. Thank you for your generosity and faithfulness. May God bless you and keep you.

In His Grace, Founder and Overseer, William Levi


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Operation Nehemiah Missions International Inc is headquartered in Lanesborough, MA USA. Statement of Faith: The compelling and prevailing motivation of Operation Nehemiah Missions is to promote the Gospel of Jesus Christ, ( Yeshua the Messiah) thereby bringing people to repentance and eternal Salvation for their soul upon this premises rest the welfare of any community and the Bible is the final authority in all matters of life. 2 Timothy 3:16- 18 

All our humanitarian and developmental initiative to rebuild South Sudan from the ashes war and Islamic persecution  rest upon this principles. Our core principle is  the discipleship of one person, one family, one church and one community at a time.

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