Review of ON missions in South Sudan and way forward in 2021
Shalom to you and your families. Thank you for everything in 2020 and as we proceed into 2021, it is all fitting to be thankful and when it seems to be impossible to do. Redeeming the time and let us walk as children of light and work while it is call day. We each have 24 hours everyday. How do we make use of these hours.? The Holy Scripture says in Ephesians 5:8 that "You were some times darkness, but now you are light in Yeshua, therefore, walk as children of light"
The plight of the Returnees
In South Sudan, I just got some report from the country Director Timothy Levi about the field progress regarding real challenges and opportunity for people coming back to take hold of the homeland. We received the first 62 head of families who have arrived two days ago to begin restoration of their own homes after 4 years in exile. Painting of mission houses are in progress including medical facility and church building. We have water in place to support at least 2000 people at ago.
How do we go about getting people settled.?
So overall, our goal is not to give these returnees handout. It could be overwhelming for anyone and will not solve the long term problem. But to make the most out of what God given to the ministry, I thought this will be the best way to stabilize the community of 2000 people under our direct influence and outreaches. We want them to work with their own hands using any support we get from you and from any other benefactors. We will provide them with farming tools such as hoes, peaks, hammers, axes and seeds and basic medical needs because the clinic will be right in the compound. Rain is underway in March. Each man has to go out and dig and sweat. We will hire some to make blocks right there in missions compound to strength the mission activities to facilitate future infrastructure. They can use the money to buy food for themselves and their families and they can also turn around and cheaply mold their own bricks and build their own houses. In January, the overall budget for this initiative is $60,000. We received pledges of $35,000 so far. We one more day to go. and in the Next few days day God willing, the fund will come in.
I will be going to South Sudan from March 15- 31, 2021 to validate the work on the ground.
As the region is being repopulated, I want to give you an overview of Operation Nehemiah's activates on the grounds for the past decade in South Sudan. We are going to continue to build on this progress. So with your help, God will help us to press ahead.
Intercessory prayer Partners:
This is Foundational to our ministry. Wherever you are please pray our families, staff and ministry. Lift up America and South Sudan in you prayers.
"I searched for a man among them to repair the wall and stand in the gap before Me on behalf of the land, so that I should not destroy it. But I found no one." Ezekiel 22: 30
Raising up National Pastors of South Sudan
The Strength, longevity, the continuation and implementing of the Great Commission depends on the raising up the local and indigenous pastors in South Sudan to shepherd their flocks, disciple restore the family, the church and the community in South Sudan.
Unity of the Church in the South Sudan is the Key
The compelling and prevailing motivation of Operation Nehemiah Missions is to promote the Gospel of Jesus Christ, ( Yeshua the Messiah) thereby bringing people to repentance and eternal Salvation for their soul upon this premises rest the welfare of any community and the Bible is the final authority in all matters of life. 2 Timothy 3:16- 18 All our humanitarian and developmental initiative to rebuild South Sudan from the ashes war and Islamic persecution rest upon this principles. Our core principle is the discipleship of one person, one family, one church and one community at a time.
Beth Israel Farmland So what is Operation Nehemiah doing about food security in South Sudan? Well, the Bible says if you not working', you won't eat' either (not a literal translation, but you get the point). Our vision here at ONMI is to rebuild the family, the church, and the community by taking one person, one family, one church, and one community at a time for Yeshua the Messiah (it says that right at the top of the page if you want to read it again). Operation Nehemiah is taking action to end famine by empowering South Sudanese men to work with their own hands and sustain their families. That is the solution to stopping hunger, not a UN handout. The challenge in post-war South Sudan is to disciple men and women to understand God’s will for their lives, their families, and their land. Our goal is to dramatically reduce dependence upon imported food by encouraging families in organic farming, producing healthy food and a stable local economy.
Nehemiah Field Clinic Objectives of the Nehemiah Clinic:
To improve the health status of the returnees and also host communities by providing basic health care services, primary health education, water and to help and improve the basic health services of South Sudan, building long term capacity through the equipment of the hospital, training, and support.
Nehemiah development initiative
Why Hydraform blocks? Hydraform blocks improve the (GNP) Gross National Product of South Sudan: 93% of each interlocking block is composed of locally sourced raw materials. Imported Cement comprises only 7 % of the interlocking block. 100% of our employees are local South Sudanese citizens, which is key in revitalizing our national economy. One of the key solutions to stop people leaving South Sudan into exile, stop the war and contribute to peace and economy stability is to build vocational school that will have tangible impact on the community. ONMI has been funded by Christian foundations, individuals, families , churches and organizations in the USA, making the most out of little to keep pressing on the rebuilding effort of the nation and implementing the great Commission
Nehemiah Clean Water project Water is Life, 2000 families per day Jesus declared himself to be the true Living Water, promising that whoever drinks of Him will never thirst again. Perhaps nowhere else on earth is the essential nature of water more valued than in Africa, where available water is scarce and often contaminated with dangerous Operation Nehemiah seeks to bring the thirst-quenching power of Jesus Christ to the people of South Sudan through the preaching of the Gospel and the provision of safe, accessible solar-powered wells.
FM/Bible audio Solar Receiver. We are praying and hoping to raise $10,000 in 2021 to purchase 500 all in one FM/Bible audio Solar Receiver, with capacity to pack in over 20 South Sudanese languages including English, Arabic and Hebrew. This Receiver can fit in the palm of your hand, it weighs close to nothing. Since this is a quarterly budget, for first quarter 2021, we want to raise $3333 to purchase the first 167 copies which I will package and bring with me in February to be used for discipleship material for the church Elders. It carries Bible recording from Genesis to Revelation in all these languages spoken in South Sudan. Some of them have only New Testament.
Nehemiah Infrastructure Active Renovation of feeder roads, installation of solar lights, food security, construction, excavation and much more. Thank to this gift of this backhoe machine. It is Setting stages for long term community stability to to rebuild their lives after four years in refugee camps. Support in this area is on going.
Nehemiah Trumpet Call 97.3 FM
States of the art Gospel radio located at ONMI's Yerushalayim Summit on Mountain Gordon, Nimule, EE State South Sudan. The station covers South Sudan and northern Ugandan from 6 AM to 12 PM 24/7. 80 miles all around. Our current project: Our t 300ft Tower and tension wire needs painting.
Nehemiah Trumpet Call Gospel Radio tower
What are the need right now?
1- We need to repaint the tower and the Guy tension wires Asap, replace the aging splitters to the antenna and obtain 12 -16 channels audio mixture. All of this can be purchased from Uganda.
Messianic Rabbi Cahn's Prophetic Message to Joe Biden (Presidential Inauguration 2021)
USA: There are a lot going on in this nation. But You can't miss this one . Church leaders, as watchman on the wall must now decide how to proceed with this Biden Administration.
TPS News Israel: US Centcom Commander Visits Israel, Meets with IDF’s Top Brass
How can you help? As we are entering the beginning of First quarter January- March 2021, ONMI's Monthly fix & variable budget for the month of January stands at $60,000. We are confident that by the grace of God with your tenacious support, we can meet this goal before the end of the month. So far we received, $35,000. We are short by $25,000
All contribution to Operation Nehemiah Mission is tax-deductible.
If the Lord leads you to help us today, for on line donation that will have immediate impact,
please visit our website at
"But my God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by in Yeshua the Messiah. "
In His grace
William Levi, Founder & Overseer
Operation Nehemiah Missions
PO Box 563
Lanesborough MA 01237 USA
God bless
In His grace