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Summary of my Mission Trip to South Sudan in and out of Africa.

Shalom brothers and sisters in Yeshua. Thank you for praying for me and for sponsoring my trip to South Sudan for Operation Nehemiah Missions after rescheduling my flight twice, finally I left South Sudan on September 11 via Uganda, Rwanda, and Qatar on connecting flights, arriving on US soil on September 13. It has been 2 amazing months that I spent in South Sudan on mission work. The time flew by like as if it had been just yesterday.

Tribute to Engineer David Firth- Board of Elder: Technical Advisor: Radio, Water technology and renewable Power & IT, ONMI

Engineer David Firth- Board of Elder: Technical Advisor: Radio, Water and Power & IT, ONMI

I will be remised not to mention the tragic death of our beloved brother, and member of ONMI's Board of Elders Engineer David Firth, of Austin, Texas who died alone in his house possibly on July 19 to be discovered on Saturday, July 22 by Judith, the mother of his three children. She notified me on July 23rd while in South Sudan that David died due to various. respiratory and circulatory implications. His doctor couldn't clear him to travel to join me in South Sudan on this last mission trip. That was his last word to me in June before I left.

Engineer David Firth was instrumental from 2004- 2023 in giving us technical advice in conjunction with Blessing for Obedience, Canadian's Galcom International and VCY America in setting up NTC 97.3 FM Gospel radio station at Yerushalayim Summit on Gordon Mt., Nimule at the height of the war in the Sudan (Khartoum versus Juba) during those years. Engineer David Firth life was a testimony of living like Yeshua. Wherever he served, he never allowed his flesh to get on the way of executing the mission Yeshua had sent him to do.

He and I were like Peter and Paul. He adapted easily to a situation in which he found himself in. David was more of a Sudanese than me who grew up there. I would think twice about the food I would eat, or water given to me to drink. That was never David's problem. He ate, drank, slept, and used the mode of transport available to the people God called him to serve. He rarely got sick from Malaria or from what he ate or drank. In his youthful years, he served as electrical engineer for US Army Corps of engineers. After leaving the military, he dedicated his life to serve God's Kingdom in the domain of building FM and shortwave Radio stations to advance the Great Commission in various places in Africa.

He built radio towers in Uganda, South Sudan, Kenya, DRC, Rwanda and Tanzania. Even as an American national, Engineer David planned to move to South Sudan to spend the rest of his life with the people there. ONMI gave him a place to build his house! But God has another plan. He has been missed from among us on this side of life, but He has gone to a better place. John 14: 1-6. He kept the faith. Fought a good fight. And finished the race. David always reminded us, believers that we have no continued city on this planet.

USA: Having spent 2 months in South Sudan, I was detached from 99% of news and what was going on in this country. CNN was the main source of News about this country outside the US. I don't watch CNN.! It was very hard to keep up with the news that changes every second. But I have been praying for our country, this country on daily bases. I asked our South Sudanese brethren to join me in praying for all the faithful, our benefactors and prayer partners in the Great Commission. At the end it is really what the Lord is doing through you the faithful which will matter anyway. We are the light of the world, a city on the Hill that makes America the Exceptional Nation on earth. You shine brighter and brightest when you send us out there to do the father's business.

Sana Tova - Rosh Hashanah

Israel: While I was on the ground, I never ceased praying for Israel and the peace of Yerushalayim. Psalms 122. Israel remains epic center of global news. There are internal and external forces pressuring her on all sides. But Adonai who watches over her will not sleep nor slumber. I Continue to extract raw reports from Israeli news outlet in real time to educate the South Sudanese in respect to what was going on in the Holy land.

The best way to remember Israel and pray for the Peace of Jerusalem is to celebrate Rosh Hashanah which reminds us of the continuity of God’s promises and of our calling as His people.

The Lord said to Moses, “Say to the Israelites: ‘On the first day of the seventh month you are to have a day of sabbath rest, a sacred assembly commemorated with trumpet blasts. Do no regular work but present a food offering to the Lord’” (Leviticus 23:23–25.)

God Gathers Us Rosh Hashanah reminds us of the continuity of God’s promises and of our calling as His people. This special holiday has always been about God gathering His people to Himself and about our turning back to Him.

The trumpet blast historically summoned us, “Come!” And it will again. Paul wrote this about a future trumpet: “For the Lord himself will descend from heaven with a cry of command, with the voice of an archangel, and with the sound of the trumpet of God.… Then we … will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air, and so we will always be with the Lord” (1 Thessalonians 4:16–17)

South Sudan: South Sudan seems to be holding on very well in the face of protracted war taking place at its doorsteps in the neighboring Khartoum, Sudan. The country is persevering and in large part it was very quiet. I drove as late as past midnight going in and out across states line, local, county and into Uganda. It was all peaceful.

Scope of my Mission with ONMI in 2023:

Into South Sudan and out of South Sudan and in and out of Africa has been providential hand of God! I left the USA on July 7 and planned my return trip for August 14th. Soon enough, I realized one month had gone by so quickly with a lot of tasks which I went to execute were still unaccounted for.

I had to reschedule my trip twice from original august 14 to Sept 5 and September 12 until I was satisfied with the task I went to achieve. Decision making on situation like this require discernment and confirmation whether it is of God or just emotion running high in the flesh to do things on my own strength.

In the middle of deliberation and prayers in some of my correspondences with our key benefactors and prayers support, I was expressing the perplexity of the challenges that were facing me and the gravity of the reality weighing me down in the field in term of times, financial needs, and responsibility.

Like Gideon, I needed some confirmation and encouragement from God to push forward. I prayed and I asked God to show me whether I should just pack up and leave for the USA without finishing the job that were essential to finish or not? I got these responses in real time from so many of you who have stood with us in this work pushing us forward both from our benefactors in the USA and beneficiaries in South Sudan and these are their words of encouragements:

God has provided and protected us from all needs and concerns.

Even as I was away in South Sudan contemplating whether to return home or reschedule my trip, God was able to raise the needed support from the USA to move the mission work forward because this is His work and because He is omnipresence and was able to supply the resources in His Riches and glory.

Encouragement and exhortation from the brethren to keep pressing ahead.

1- “Dear Brother William, you are doing great work, and you cannot "come down" (return to US) until you have finished. I have requested some support for your work to be sent to you in the field to finish the work at hand. Blessings, YSIY Jeanne – USA

2- Another confirmation: William, I am mailing a check to your Mission address today to cover your present needs in the field and at in the US….” Anonymously – USA

3- Another confirmation: “I want to encourage you with a scripture he has given to me which is Psalm 46:10, "Be still and know that I am God." Focus your heart, mind, and attention completely on Him, not on the problems. Look up to the Lord, not horizontally to the earthly problems. We give others the comfort that we have received, II Corinthians 1.” K.G. USA

4- It is amazing how much has been accomplished through you and your team in building a viable, dynamic Messianic Christian community in South Sudan... may the Lord direct and guide your steps in embracing your tasks here in the States! Ragnhild Kjeldaas Ulrich – USA

5- Obulejo Keningstone: This is a major achievement for the development of the nation and Christian livelihood Indeed the living God is with you and shall forever be with you for the great work you've done, are doing and will do. God bless and the work of your hand for glory of his name In Yeshua’s name. Amen South Sudan.

6- Mawa Lo Keji: Well, done, this how God chosen children must do. Not diverting God things to his personal interest. May good Lord continues to give you him more wisdom- South Sudan.

7- Nyamara Simon: Praise the Lord for these achievements. With the Lord's help you will achieve more. Wishing you blessings in the Ministries. South Sudan.

8- Alumai Henry Sizemore Oh! My God I really thank God for giving u the successful trip dear lovely father, our Bishop we will always live to support your effort dear spiritual mentor. I love u so much & am thanking God for ur life cos it has made me a hopeful people. may God bless you. South Sudan.

9- Kelly Coleman: God bless you for all that He accomplished through you. USA

10- John Jing Meen: Wishing you all best in whatever you plan to bring it home our lordship and we are proud of you father for great work you are doing in the Republic of South Sudan, God bless you and protect you on your way back home. South Sudan

11- “Our small church would like to partner with your organization to help. We would love to have you come and speak to our small congregation. We have already sent a small contribution as a church and some of us, who heard you speak when you came to Alton, NH, also contributed to your worthy cause. Blessings and thank you for what you and ONM are doing, - Darrell & Wendy Pack. USA

Leaving South Sudan to return home to the USA where I spent most my time was tough. It has been a bittersweet time there. Within the past two months I had grown very close to those God has chosen to labor alongside in the work of ONMI. It was sad time leaving them, after all these times I had spent working with them in the Great Commission.

However, my return to the USA was way overdue to attend to various needs waiting for me both at family and ministry level. My work from that end has come a close on Monday Sept 11. I have accomplished the task which the Lord had specifically set before me. I arrived there on July 12 to a jubilant reception by the ground leadership team under our country director and the departmental leadership.

The Messiah Ambassadors House - Highlight’

The biggest highlight of trip was the fact that I spent my entire time staying in South Sudan at ONMI newest mission compound, the Messiah Ambassadors’ where we have established the Polytechnic Institute officially to be opened on October 15. I conducted various departmental meetings there than I have ever done before. The Lord has provided for me spacious place to meet people with various need to pray for them and hear their heart beats.

Until October 22, last year, never in my wildest dream, had I fathom staying at this beautiful place which God has given to ONMI to serve as a multifaceted purpose facility to meet the need of South Sudanese returning from exile both spiritually and physically. But God does what always He doe does, speaking impossibility to possibility” (as it is written, “A father of many nations have I made you”) in the presence of Him whom he believed, even God, who gives life to the dead and calls into being that which does not exist.” Romans 4:17

At the Messiah ambassador’s House, I had the most time spent ministering to the people with various needs than any time, I was on the ground over the years. I get to meet at least 3-10 people daily.

On the day of my arrival on July 12, I had a warm reception with our staff on the ground. Right after that we had a Departmental leadership briefing to map out the work we were going to do while on the ground.

Among the things we were set out to do was to ensure the electrical system, the plumbing system, running water, the internet system at the Messiah Ambassadors House was completed, the Nigerian engineers able to come and set up the medical facility, the pharmacy facility completed.

The Messianic Pastoral training and ordination:

The pastoral training was completed, and we had 3 pastors ordained and the foundation of the Bethlehem Messianic Congregation was laid. In Bethlehem, my goal was to meet with the parents, teachers, and students at their PTS meeting to explain to them the vision and the goal of the school. At Yerushalayim Summit on Gordon Mt, my goal was to meet the staff of NTC 97.3 FM Gospel Radio station to strengthen their work in Gospel Broadcasting.

Food Security - Beth Israel Farmland

I visited the Beth Israel Farmland numerous times taking with me students to meet farm staff to articulate the importance of food security in relationship to their participation in agricultural activities to stamp out hunger and stop the import of food from neighboring countries.

Challenges of registration of the schools: Upon my arrival on the ground, I was told, we couldn’t start the poly technic institute until it is officially registered as private Christian institution: Besides, we also have the Bethlehem Nursery and Primary Academy which were not registered even after almost three years following the effort of the ground leadership trying unsuccessfully to register it due to bureaucratic gridlock.

South Sudan's road condition

So, I was thrusted into action to start the process of registration from local government, the county and state government. This process was very tedious, involving a trip that took me to Nimule town council, Magwi county education office, Torit EE state capital and Juba the capital of South Sudan to aggressively pursue the registration personally. This was a rare chance for me to be on the ground to address this matter as failure to do so, will take year to make another trip. God was faithful and he wanted me to persevere through this difficult process not give up until there is a tangible result. James 1. We drove to Magwi town to initiate the initial registration process and three times our vehicle got stuck in potholes that can be as big as a small stream in the middle of the road. We ended up spending a night in the middle of nowhere until the next day to get our vehicle that was stuck overnight in the pothole in the middle of the road.

However, two weeks later we relaunched the effort of the registration of all three schools. Finally, we succeeded. Just three days before I took off, we were able to register at all three schools. To underscore the success of our effort in completing the registration process, two government officials from State ministry of education were dispatched from Torit to come down to s inspect our academic facility to validate our registration process. Praise God, we are thankful to God and thanks to your prayers that we have registered the three schools comprising of one-year technical institute, a nursery, and a primary academy.

Government officials arrive to inspect the schools.

Accountabilities: As these institutions are expanding and growing, there is also a growing challenge for financial accountabilities which require each school must have its own Parent Teacher Association, School Management Committee, and bank account for comprehensive transaction and accountability based on money locally collected from the students’ tuition to pay teachers, and students’ health cost. Therefore, I opened 5 departmental bank accounts to manage this new development effort.

Tailoring and Fashion Design has been established. We have acquired 14 sewing machines along with commercial tailoring machines in our hand, we can actually contract so many schools to make their Logos and as well as their uniforms and carry on training our own students.

US donors have done marvelous work in supporting ONMI’s effort in self-perpetuating income generating initiative in South Sudan and continue to do so. But ONMI wants to create a balance by taping and exploring the resources and services available in South Sudan to create sustainable and measurable impact within the country. This is way overdue. I visited Juba twice to meet with leadership of M- Gurush. M-GURUSH is South Sudan’s pioneer mobile money platform offered in partnership with Zain Telecom that provides a fast, easy, safe, and convenient way to send and receive money, pay for goods and services, buy airtime, pay for utility bills like power, make bulk payments and international remittance services.

While on the ground, I found out that M-Gurush has extended their business to NGOs and faith-based ministries to register with them to act as Mobile Money agency to send and receive mobile money in the areas where they don’t have a presence. Successful agencies get paid commission for serving the community and they are able to conduct tuition and medical payments online. The faith based organizations like ONMI has qualified to act like Western Union or Money Gram in the USA because we have multifaceted services to the community including the Schools and medical and agricultural and radio broadcasting operations matching , the primary vision of ONMI in South Sudan which is to rebuild South Sudan from Ashes of war and Displacement by creating sustainable living through long term reliance and taping on the natural resources and services available to the people of South Sudan.

Prayer needs: ONMI is requesting donors to contribute $6000 seed money to launch ONMI’s first Send and Receive mobile money transaction in three of its designated places as M-Gurush Principal agents to manage various financial related transactions such as sent and received mobile Money, Pay student school Tuition, Staff salary, medical expenses in all three central places. Now parents who have children coming from Juba, Nimule, Torit, and Uganda to study at our school, don't have to travel to the school to pay their children tuition. They can now do it online with M Gurush without leaving their homes.

Funding for August - October stands at $ 150,000 to cover the cost of the following Items: Raised - $50,000 balance- $100,000.

Beth Israel farmland expansion 2023- 2024 - $7,000

CBC Blood analysis machine- additional $15,000

Renovation of two buildings to serves as Polytechnic teachers and students. - $10,000

ONMI USA office $25,000

Construction of the church - $20,000

General Management and seed fund to for Poly technic Institute - $25,000 for recruitment

ONMI is requesting donors to contribute $6000 seed money to launch ONMI’s first Send and Receive mobile money transaction in three of its designated places as M-Gurush Principal agents to manage various financial related transactions such as sent and received mobile Money, Pay student school Tuition, Staff salary, medical expenses in all three central places.

For all our prayer partners, benefactors, their families, and their well-being.

On line contribution can be made at

God bless

In His grace




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Operation Nehemiah Missions International Inc is headquartered in Lanesborough, MA USA. Statement of Faith: The compelling and prevailing motivation of Operation Nehemiah Missions is to promote the Gospel of Jesus Christ, ( Yeshua the Messiah) thereby bringing people to repentance and eternal Salvation for their soul upon this premises rest the welfare of any community and the Bible is the final authority in all matters of life. 2 Timothy 3:16- 18 

All our humanitarian and developmental initiative to rebuild South Sudan from the ashes war and Islamic persecution  rest upon this principles. Our core principle is  the discipleship of one person, one family, one church and one community at a time.

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