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The Joshua question “Are You for us or for our enemies?” “Neither” He replied.

Shalom brothers and Sister in Yeshua, I have so much good news to share with you about what the Lord is doing through your support and encouragement in January 2022 from the field. The heartbeat of our mission is the Great Commission and everything else hinges on it. The civilian Need it and the Military also need it. Only Yeshua has the power to set men free.

In Bethlehem, EE State South Sudan and in Rumbek, Lake State, South Sudanese Christians are taking back what the enemy has stolen from them. In the Name of Yeshua, the Messiah, they are taking back their faith, their family, the community and their country from the Satanic grip of, poverty, tribalism, division, UN driven refugee mental destruction base on relief dependence.

This is the spiritual war we are fighting in South Sudan through Operation Nehemiah Missions to take down the enemy's stronghold and invasion. Join us in this fight through your prayers and tangible financial support. Visit us today at Join the fight we are in this together because the enemy is invisible, global determined, relentless and dangerous to our souls. Eph. 6: 20-18

In South Sudan: UN Human Rights Commission documents allegation of atrocities and leave behind trails of broken communities,

On the other hand, you came along side ONMI bind the broken hearted, wipe off their tears and restore broken community.

From 2016- 2020: Majority of atrocities such as pillaging of villages, sexual assaults on women and girls along tribal lines in the South Sudan in the midst of the national Crisis have been attributed to the South Sudanese military by the UN human Right Watch report.

These accusations (allegations) may be true or false which the UN Human Right Watch group provided in 2016 - 202o and beyond. But they did not offer solution to the problem of South Sudan's national crisis rather than encouraging more fear, dissention, tribal tension confusion and massive exodus of the general population to the refugee camps in the neighboring countries and IDP camps within the country.

The underlining disease, which was plaguing the country remains unresolved, sins in the heart of men. It is only Yeshua who has the power to set men free. Spiritual depravity has taken a toll on the military personal and fear and hatred gripped the hearts of civilians as UNHHCR drives the wedge to split the country among waring groups. Both the military and civilian needed God, Salvation in Yeshua and the fellowship of the brethren through the Holy Spirit. We are to love God and to love our neighbors as ourselves. The severity of the situation varied from one region to another.

I was on the ground for 3 months in 2016 with my wife and children and a number of US missionaries were also with us when the crisis engulfed our region in July of 2016. In the midst of it all, God protected my family and our staff and their families. We never heard or witnessed women being raped in our area by the army except one in the course of 5 years. He was arrest by his commander moved out and tried in 2018. But looting was rampant.

ONMI's Mission compound in Bethlehem became a place of refuge for two weeks for civilian until fear gave way and people fled to Uganda in 2016. Since 2021, 5 years letter, the people returned from exile and the mission compound regained its place as a launching path for returnees to come back home to reclaim their homestead.

“Are You for us or for our enemies?” “Neither” He replied. “I have now come as Commander of the LORD’s army.

In 2016, there was massive military deployment along the 50 miles stretch of the highway from South Sudan - border with Uganda toward the capital Juba. UNHCR agencies were stationed across the bridge on the side of Uganda receiving fleeing refugees, registering and marching them off to the camps. Once you are there you can't just leave. As this was going on, in the midst of what was considered very dangerous we stayed back in the country for another 3 weeks praying and analyzing the root causes of the crisis and what to do? We determined that the military were hungry and desperate for the word of God. We can't just cut and run. we have to reach them. Young men in their 2os were brought in from all over the country to protect the only highway bringing goods and connecting South Sudan with the rest of East African countries to the capitol Juba. Soldiers were spiritually depraved and militarily undisciplined. Liquor was sold everywhere by the local and the soldiers got stoned drinking this liquor in empty stomach. They were confused.

We met 2 commanders (not these ones in the pictures) at the barracks to get perspectives and help bring thing under control. To some, we were all rebels, they couldn't tell the difference. At first, they were skeptical and thought we were rebels trying to create subversion. We found ourselves in Joshua's situation: " Now when Joshua was near Jericho, he looked up and saw a man standing in front of him with a drawn sword in His hand. Joshua approached Him and asked, “Are You for us or for our enemies?” “Neither” He replied. “I have now come as Commander of the LORD’s army.” Then Joshua fell face down in reverence and asked Him, “What does my Lord have to say to His servant? Joshua 5: 13-14 We said no, we are Yeshua's Ambassadors. The church can't run away from this crisis. We are here to fight a different kind of war. We brought in the Good News, and we want them to hear God's plan for salvation and give the young men in the military hear the Good News. We reassure him that God will transform the soldiers through the attorning blood of Yeshua.

The commanders complained that the church was not doing enough to create conducive relationship between the army and the Civilians. They wanted to know, why some of the church leaders joined the rebellion and fled the country? We told them; we were there only to answer for ourselves before God not for any church or anyone else. We were neither for nor against government. God wants us to pray for government leaders and encourage them to recognize God's sovereignty over the institutions of family, church and government. Same message applied to the Rebels. If we knew where the rebels were, we would tell them the same thing.

We went there to shine the Light of Yeshua in the darkness of the hearts of men. He told us, look around. What do you see? Most of my soldiers are drunk, hungry and weak and violent. They need help. As the civilian fled, we are like fish without water, please do something. Can you tell them to come back home? We told them we can't at this time but with God all things are possible. I implored them to believe in Jesus and obey God, repent of their sins and be content of their wages and God will heal them and the country. They should not rob the innocents, threaten the weak, stop assaulting women and children. That was 2016. First forward 2022, since then God has established trust and the relationship between us and the military families. In the midst of all the ensuring chaos, we have been always welcomed to come to the military barracks of Ngogwa, Moli - Tokuro, Mutala, Nderitu, and Aswa to share the Good News.

Since last year, we have been welcomed by the Rebels soldiers stationed in the cantonment camp close by. They are awaiting the reintegration of their forces into the South Sudan People Defense force under the Government of the National Unity. Since then, many of the commanders and soldiers have given their lives to Jesus. There is fundamental paradigm shift in the relationship between the Civilians and the military.

Spiritual warfare

This is the spiritual war we are fighting in South Sudan through Operation Nehemiah Missions to take down the enemy's stronghold and invasion. Join us in this fight through your prayers and tangible financial support. Visit us today at Join the fight we are in this together because the enemy is invisible, global determined, relentless and dangerous to our souls. Eph. 6: 20-18

Some of the children who are studying at Bethlehem Primary and Nursey schools are from the Military families. They came from both sides of the conflicts. The commanders from both sides have now realized, the have been fighting the war against each other for the future of their very children who are now been discipled and educated at the Bethlehem Primary school. Once again, the church of Yeshua has shown the light of love, joy and peace in a country that has been considered a failed state by international standard.

I am bringing this news up because I am so excited about what God is a doing through your prayers and your fervent love, care and generosity you have demonstrated through Operation Nehemiah Missions to transformed people's lives in South Sudan.

Prayer needs for my family and the families of our field staff and all those who support this effort. Cost analysis to bring January to a close: $60,000. Total budget (Mission budget for January 2022 is $90,000. We raise: $35,000 Balance 55,000 Thank you for everything and I am looking forward to hearing from you. Fund will go toward construction Bethlehem Primary school, the church building, and Nehemiah Polytechnic Institute and ONMI operations both in the USA and South Sudan. To donate online please go to To donate by check, send your tax-deductible donation to Operation Nehemiah Missions, PO Box 563 Lanesborough, MA 01237 God bless you & keep you. God blesses In His grace William Levi, Founder and Overseer, ONMI, PO Box 563 Lanesborough MA 01237 413-770-4711



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Operation Nehemiah Missions International Inc is headquartered in Lanesborough, MA USA. Statement of Faith: The compelling and prevailing motivation of Operation Nehemiah Missions is to promote the Gospel of Jesus Christ, ( Yeshua the Messiah) thereby bringing people to repentance and eternal Salvation for their soul upon this premises rest the welfare of any community and the Bible is the final authority in all matters of life. 2 Timothy 3:16- 18 

All our humanitarian and developmental initiative to rebuild South Sudan from the ashes war and Islamic persecution  rest upon this principles. Our core principle is  the discipleship of one person, one family, one church and one community at a time.

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