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          The Program Objectives of the New Restructuring management Leadership. Field Review One.

Dear my brothers and sisters in Yeshua,

Shalom to you from the bottom of my heart. I want to thank you very much for your tenacious prayers and support for ONMI during these past two months of mission trip to South Sudan. I have been submerged in field work doing some fundamental changes with field staff to move Operation Nehemiah Missions to the next level.  Our ground team expresses their deep appreciation to you for your support and encouragement.

 I hope this message finds you well. I wanted to give you an update on my recent trip to South Sudan. Despite the challenges of the past two months, I am grateful for your prayers and support during this difficult transitional period in Operation Nehemiah Mission's history. While I was in South Sudan, I worked closely with the Board of Directors, pastoral leadership, and the Restructuring Leadership Team to put together a new administrative leadership structure that will help the implement ion process of ONMI's initiative for measurable and sustainable development in the long term.


New Restructuring Team needs urgent support to repair equipment & vehicles to implement long term vision of ONMI toward sustainability.

However, the new leadership team's hands have been tied up by the mismanagement of resources and equipment from the previous administration, which has made it difficult for them to accelerate the process of sustainability until some of the income-generating vehicles are still in repair and out of commission. This is my biggest challenge right impeding our ability to move things smoothly. We need to move quickly in sending financial support back to the Restructuring Leadership Team to finish the repair of these vehicles. This is where you come in. I need you to help me achieve this goal in the next two week.

Arriving back here only to find out that the mission account is empty and donations in February have been completely down. This is due in part to the fact that those of you who have contributed to the mission last year have not yet received your annual financial statements to ONMI in 2023.

However, this is my first order of work upon returning to the main office and it has gone out today. Despite these challenges, I have faith that this is the Lord's work, and He will make a way. I am grateful for your continued support and prayers as we work towards sustainability and making a difference in the lives of those in South Sudan. May God bless you and keep you.


Plea from the ONMI's field leadership for prayer and support

ONMI Leadership field under the Restructuring Leadership management team wants to thank you donors for commissioning me to go out there in the field and spending 2 months with them on the ground to make fundamental changes needed to move ONMI from Permanent Relief Dependence to Permanent Sustainable Living. The Goal of the RLT is the implementation of the Measurable and Sustainable initiative of ONMI for South Sudan in its effort to rebuild the lives of people from displacement and ashes of war.   We believe this is an attainable goal and initiative to be implemented right away, making this message urgent. This message is so pivotal to act upon because the current changes hinge on its implementation from the onset.


South Sudan must reap the dividends of her independence to justify her freedom from Islamic oppression.

The  ONMI’s South Sudan office has vast strength and opportunities, the independence of South Sudan gave us a chance to rebuild all that was destroyed during 25 years of Islamic persecution of Christians, with the generosity of the people of the United States of America, ONMI has received so much supports to allow us rebuild from the ashes of war, giving chance for families to build their lives, young people, to get education or skills, widows, orphans all got different kind of helps and gospel broadcasting to a vast population area of South Sudan and Uganda, the USA have always stood with Christians of South Sudan. As the word goes “Rebuilding of a nation from ashes of war” as a ministry, in 2024 we found ourselves in challenges that forced William Levi the Founder and CEO to take a drastic measure of restructuring the leadership team with a focus on achieving the interrelated vision, mission and goal of a sustainable living.


Though much was given to us by our donors in the USA, during this restructuring year, as a new RLT picking up the system we are requesting other financial support to allow us to revive the ministry back to its original objective and plans- that is creating measurable sustainability.

 Appreciation to US Benefactors and Co-laborers in the Great Commission: We want to thank God for our brothers and sisters in Yeshua from the USA for your unwavering and relentless support for ONMI initiatives and vision to alleviate and rebuild the lives of South Sudanese from the ashes of war and displacement.  Over the years, ONMI’s US Benefactors and prayer partners have handily underwritten every project to improve the livelihood of South Sudanese brethren returning from exile to rebuild their lives in their independent country, which is now free from Islamic oppression, and to move them toward religious freedom of worship, political and economic freedom of sustainability.   However, their effort has been hampered by the lack of will, vision, and endeavors by ONMI’s previous administration here in South Sudan which has moved the ministry’s vision and goal towards the UN-driven type of Relief dependence syndrome. 



Apology:  Considering this setback, on behalf of ONMI’s South Sudan, the New Restructuring Leadership Team that has taken over from the previous administration wants to issue an apology to our US Benevolent benefactors and Co-laborers for squandering the time and resources meant for long-term sustainability initiatives in South Sudan in exchange for short-term Relief Dependence. 

We plead to you for your forgiveness. As Apostle Saul pleads to the Galatians, “So let us not grow weary of doing what is good; for if we don’t give up, we will in due time reap the harvest.  Therefore, as the opportunity arises, let us do what is good for everyone, and especially for the families of those who are the household of faith. Galatians 6: 9-10. Therefore, we plead to you brethren to be encouraged through these fundamental changes we are putting in place in 2024 to make a difference and to know that these changes and your labor are not in vain.

These changes are taking place amid great challenges before us.  The financial need to impact these changes is very urgent! Your prayers and financial support are urgently needed, guaranteeing the success of RLT that it will only be used to promote sustainability not to perpetuate more of the same relief dependence forever.


Administrative and Program Objectives

      IV.            Gospel Radio broadcasting initiative, Evangelism outreach, and Church Planting

-change the spiritual life of hopeless communities

         I.            ONMI administrative and leadership realignment

-improve effective, efficient, and flexible management which is based on transparency, accountability, teamwork and respect with the overall vision of ONMI

       II.            Education – Polytechnic Institute and Bethlehem Nursery and Primary Academy

-enhance the quality of education for young children

-provide a life quality through the Polytechnic institute

      III.            Livelihood/Agriculture/Food security

-increase the supply of food items in local community markets in Juba and supply BNPA with food for sustainability

       V.            Medical Evangelism/Outreach

-enhance the health of people through extending medical services closer to the communities in the area.




Administrative support: To revamp the ministry to sustainable living, the restructuring involves administrative costs such as (1)-payment of allowances RLT to sustain them with their basic needs from Jan-March 2024 (2)-supplies of office materials, (3) Annual renewal of operation certificates, licenses, managing travels, and fuels etc.

Education support: BNPA is opened and registered legally with the Ministry of Education Eastern Equatoria State, this department is doing well because most of it income is raised locally from the school fees paid by the parent, despite the availability of money collected from school fees, the school still lack certain facilities like dormitories, we are using building for a local secondary school which belongs to the government, but time is not on our side since we have to construct our own dormitories and complete construction of classroom for nursery sections.


Polytechnic Institute: The institute is registered too with courses in Tailoring, Beauty Salon, IT, and Welding being the first year of its opening, A few important things need money for purchasing certain machines, completion of temporary classroom construction with tents, scholarship marketing or advertising programs, etc.

Heat Press for making logos.


Transportation Support and equipment for Income Generation in disrepairs: The Department of Transportation is income-generating, and it is in a stagnation point at the moment because the previous administration left 7 vehicles in disrepair and out of commission to work, the 12-seater HiAce drone van, Land Cruiser, the ambulance, the backhoe, the 25-seater Coaster Van, and the 2 tractors are main vehicles which makes money. Due to the failure of the previous administration, the vehicles need a fresh repair and fresh start. We are sure that once the vehicles are back on the road, money will be raised locally to implement our local activities to achieve sustainability.


Agricultural support: This year we want to plant cash crops which is based on market demands, we have the right personnel to manage the project, and there is so much potential in the agricultural department by injecting money into dry season cultivation through the installation of a drip irrigation system. Insecticides and fertilizers will boost crop productivity and eventually realize food security.


Medical Outreach/Evangelism: We have always endeavored to improve medical services by bringing the service closer to the community we serve, the services are affordable, but we still have challenges in terms of stocking our drugs, we need a budget to allow us to purchase varieties of drugs for different types of diseases. Nonetheless, we are on the right track because we have 3 medical staff who have worked tirelessly to improve customer-based service and enforce the sustainability concept in the project.

NTC 97.3FM. The radio broadcasting program is one with the central objective of spreading the gospel to the community and we are moving in the right direction even though we have challenges seasonally in power systems supplied with solar and standby generators which is costly most of the time, our water supply system is not working currently, and we are working towards its repair. We have plans to improve the production room, which now is not the standard we want, not forgetting empowering the marketing department that goes out to search for businesses to raise income for sustainable living.


Financial need for your prayers and consideration


Emergency Operational cost required to revamp sustainability for the month of March 2024 : $35,500. Please see the breakdown in the attachment file above

 To revamp the ministry to sustainable living, our restructuring requires  No/ 1: Payment of allowances from Jan-March 2024 so that staff can earn a basic living. No/  2: To run the administration office supplies needed, annual renewal of operation certificates, licenses, managing travels and fuels, etc. No/3: The budget for the ONMI's main office in the USA is included in the administrative support.  The overall administrative support and operational cost below will be reduced in South Sudan in the coming months as revenue for Sustainability from the ground takes root.


 $       35,500.00

Emergency repair Cost for vehicles and equipment: The Department of Transportation is designed for income generation purpose in order to put 7 vehicles and equipment back to commission:  $20,500           Please see the breakdown in the attachment file above

The Department of Transportation is designed for income generating. At the moment, we have 7 vehicles out of commission to work, the HiAce drone van, the backhoe, the coaster, and the tractors for generating income. Due to the failure of the previous administration, the vehicles need a fresh repair and fresh start. The New Administration, that requires No RLT  team in charge of implementing the Sustainability initiative pleads to benefactors and prayer partners in the USA to bear with them and raise funds to put all this equipment in working condition including securing legal docs. Operational costs from the USA benefactors will drop in the months ahead as the sustainability initiative takes root.  



Program Cost : $12, 500. Please see the breakdown in the attachment file above

This year we want to plant cash crops which is based on market demands, getting right personnel to manage, and injecting money to dry season cultivation through installation of drip irrigation improve. Insecticides and fertilizers to boost the crop productivity. we are also working hard to improve the radio station NTC. Water and power supply 



 These changes are taking place amid great challenges before us.  The financial need to impact these changes is very urgent! Your prayers and financial support are urgently needed, guaranteeing the success of RLT that it will only be used to promote sustainability not to perpetuate more of the same relief dependence forever.

Your tax deductible Online contribution will be made at  

As the Lord leads, please keep these needs in your prayers as partners in the Great Commission.

Grand Total:

 $       68,500.00

Looking forward to hearing from you.

 God bless.

in His grace

William Levi, Founder and Overseer, Operation Nehemiah Missions

 PO Box 563 Lanesborough, MA 01237.



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Operation Nehemiah Missions International Inc is headquartered in Lanesborough, MA USA. Statement of Faith: The compelling and prevailing motivation of Operation Nehemiah Missions is to promote the Gospel of Jesus Christ, ( Yeshua the Messiah) thereby bringing people to repentance and eternal Salvation for their soul upon this premises rest the welfare of any community and the Bible is the final authority in all matters of life. 2 Timothy 3:16- 18 

All our humanitarian and developmental initiative to rebuild South Sudan from the ashes war and Islamic persecution  rest upon this principles. Our core principle is  the discipleship of one person, one family, one church and one community at a time.

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