They are back! It has been 4 years, waiting for them in faith to return home from exile.
Shalom to you my brother and sisters and co-laborer's in the Great Commission. It has been more than a week that I was not able to report on the on going progress both from the home front and in the mission field. But I want to be as briefed as possible to give yo some highlight of what has been happening so far.
From the home front, I want to thank again for your prayers for my family and ONMI's mission work right in the USA. Our Eldest daughter Abijah Levi, a midwifery homeschooled student has just returned from Ecuador. This is her first trip abroad in South American country to assist a family friend of ours who is a midwife in Equator.
Report on Fundraising January is completed thank to your generosity: Due to the influx of so many people coming back to South Sudan from exile, our monthly Mission expenses has increased from $35,000 to $60,000. I want to report to you, all the pledges and contribution for January came through. We were to able close that gap in the first week of February on record time. Now are in the midst February we have our February budget for the $60,000 again. This progression will go on for a while until we are able to stabilize the situation financially on the ground. Ultimately God will make provision toward the need as he sees fit. If you are led to give towards the February budget, this is the time to do so.
Mission trip:
I will be leaving for a validation mission trip to South Sudan for 2 weeks beginning march 15th - March 31st. to inspect, validate and encourage and be encouraged by the ground leadership team.
Launching ONMI Home studio to interfacing USA and field missions digitally through live streaming
I want to thank you for investing into this project. It is a dream coming to pass. I thank you for your input that this is the right approach. We are going forward with it. We are about to launch Nehemiah Trumpet Call Webcam/Podcasting Live streaming initiative in the beginning of March. l have been taking the stock of what transpired last year due to Covid 19 global pandemic. My mission for traveling activities within the USA to raise support in churches etc. and traveling to South Sudan has been limited. Even though, we were able to raise all the needed funding to run the ministry last year, this year, I want to do more Webcasting combining both video and audio in home studio live streaming through various social network and be able to get my message out to donors, church leaders, people of influence, Israel and South Sudan. I would like to have people call in or show up in studio to expand our prayer and support base here in the USA and be able to live interview our field staff and send audio messages to be played on NTC 97.3 FM concurrently.
Mission field: They are back from exile. It is happening, we waited for four years This is our ground game plan as a Christian ministry outreaching to the incoming community from exile.
As part of the promises and commitment we have made on the part of Operation Nehemiah in welcoming the community back home, Pastor Timothy Levi, ONMI country Director wants me to avail these pictures to you for validation and progress from the last summary report.
This is our ground game plan as a Christian ministry outreaching to the incoming community from exile.
1- The Nile Beth Israel pastoral delegation are on the ground ready on the ground to minister the word of God to the incoming returnees. The Congregation door will be opened for Friday and Sunday services for anyone to come for worship. 2. Dedicate the Land to Lordship of Yeshua the Messiah 3. Give our people the tools they need to work with their own hands. 4. We have handed out peaks, sickles,, hoes, tents, seeds and medicine to those who are already on the ground. 5. Water is plenty in the compound. 7. We are almost done with repainting the Nehemiah Clinic for service and about to start medical dispensation to the sick among the returnees. 9. In the process of getting internet access in Borongole mission.. 10. Electricity and charging station for whoever needs it. 11. Small shop for food stand in the mission compound where they can acquire basic commodity. 12. Grinding mill to be up and running.
Full renovation: ONMI's 300ft radio Tower is getting a full renovation and engineering inspection. Thank you for provision
We have received a generous support for $25,000 from a sister organization to address the technical issues all related to the fundamental engineering integrity of this 13 years old tower built in 2007 on top of 2800 Mountain. Over the year, wind factor, lightening strikes, and natural progression of aging on components have taken tolls on the tower. This fund will address painting of the entire length of the tower, reinforce tension guy wires, which is so critical to balance and stabilize the tower from toppling. We are going to get new Mixture for the broadcast room and a new splitters to replace the old ones on the antenna.
receiving 500 FM/Bible Audio/Receivers .
To top it all, with part of this fund, we are also purchasing 500 FM/Bible Audio/Receivers . This equipment has the capacity to embed at least 20 south Sudanese languages with Bible audio and full FM radio frequency tied to NTC 97.3 FM. to expand the Great Commission. With this initiatives, we will be in position to interface NTC station in South Sudan with ONMI Lives streaming home studio here in the USA globally.
How HOW FAR DOES NTC 97.3 FM go across South Sudan and northern Uganda?
As far as I know, according to Engineer David Firth, he analyzed that with standard 6-8 bay antenna configurations out there and 1 KW transmitter, not including loss for a lightning arrestor, connector adapters or jumper cables with a tower sitting on 3150 feet/ 960 meters elevation, Using 03 second shuttle terrain data with 1 km computation resolution, and computed out to 250- 300 km (149- 182 miles) as depicted below, distance from the transmit site. You should have good reception down to 30 dBu unless there is co-channel interference (purple).
Contoured display:
Israel: Highly recommended . Check them out with link below. Two Israelis friends have created Family board game, called The Way of the Patriarchs. I had the privilege to meet two Israeli young men, Amotz Eyal and Amit Barak while here at NRB conference in CA, USA and at Christian Media Summit in Jerusalem, Israel. Amotz Eyal is director of TPS - Israel's News Agency. TPS News is officially one of the Israeli based News outlet we are privileged to quote from and use their materials on our website, radio station as well News blog. These gentlemen have developed a project called the Way of the Patriarchs, a family board game designed to address the needs during this pandemic period as traveling to Israel for a tour of the Holy land has become increasingly difficult. Amit and Amotz have summarized their thoughts below in their own word. Pray for them and let us help them meet the their goal. it is $8000 dollar project ending in a month. You can help directly from their website below. If you allocate some money to this cause through ONMI, please make sure you indicate that it is for them. I will makes sure, it gets to them.
It is an outreach project to expand the Great Commission and to educate people virtually to walk through the Holy Land.
Also the second point they are making in the second article below is the seriousness of of preserving Biblical Israel in the contemporary existence as the primary custodian of the Biblical history and the Jewish people. This is the most singular deciding evidentiary factor which will knocks out the Palestinian Muslims claim to the land. And they know it very well that even in the court of law they will miserably lose in court, so they are resorting to destruction of Biblical history tied to the Jews. This is very dangerous. So we must support these young men through your prayers and giving.
Amotz wrote "I have good news that I would like to share with you regarding a private venAs there are so a lot of needs I enjoyed meeting you at the NRB in my role at ture I'm involved in that I think would greatly interest your audiences - a new family board game, called Way of the Patriarchs. It was recently created by two Jewish Israelis, Amit Barak and myself, and designed for Christian families and congregations to learn the Bible together in a fun and educational way.
As young people today spend countless hours alone in front of a screen, Way of the Patriarchs brings families together allowing them to travel through the places they read about in the Bible, as well as learn valuable truths and the history of Israel.
In Way of the Patriarchs, players do not collect money, gain material goods, nor do they win by reaching the end first. As a Bible-based game, player’s aim is to carry. Our good deeds emphasizing great truths from Psalm 34:14 to, “Depart from evil and do good.”
During this time of living in the midst of a pandemic and not being able to travel, Way of the Patriarchs brings the Land of Israel to the comfort of your own home, allowing you to travel through key biblical sites while connecting those places to the people and stories in the Bible" Help us spread the word, feel free to share the article and publish it in your publications or newsletters:
So be happy to help spread the word about the game:
2. The Struggle to Protect History - ISRAEL
Yesterday at TPS, we published an important article on the destruction of a Biblical site by the Palestinian Authority. The site, Joshua’s altar, gives proof of Jewish life near the city of Shechem (now Nablus).
In the last week, the Palestinian Authority carried out demolition at the site, beginning with the destruction of the wall surrounding the altar.
The site of Joshua’s altar is not known to everyone so it is doubly important to report the event, show the pictures and follow what is happening there, but not only that.
In the personal message I sent about a week ago, I told you about my new venture, a game that teaches and preserves the names and places of our Biblical sites on the Way of the Patriarchs.
Today, everything comes together. Joshua’s altar of course appears on the game route, teaching and encouraging players to learn about the site and open their Bibles.
Preserving the sites, preserving their name and place, and saying those names with our own lips as they connect to Bible verse, “Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up.” (Deuteronomy 6:7)
Help us spread the word, feel free to share the article and publish it in your publications or newsletters:
USA: Urgent Prayer need.
I want you to pray for my dear brother, friend and co-laborer in the Great Commission, the Rev. Dr. Voddie Baucham of Voddie Baucham Ministries. Dr. Baucham is a renown preacher of the Bible known for his daring resolve to impact the world with the Great Commission. He is making his way back to the USA from His missionary home in Zambia due to heart illness. Seen here, making his way between the airports back to the USA. Back in 2013, Dr. Baucham wanted to visit our missions work in South Sudan. I pray and hope that God will make his wish possible for him to come to see the work of ONMI in South Sudan.
Courtesy of VBM