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To God be the glory: the first time since 2016 solar power Bethlehem mission center.

Bethlehem Missions headquarters has fully powered with Solar, thank to your support.

This past July 2021, after the students at Bethlehem Primary school left for their first semester school break, our team got together to address other pressing challenges at hand. We prayed and addressed the daunting task of powering the mission compound to give the community, teachers, and parents some source of lighting in the mission center during the night. Scorpions and snakes had been lurking around in the dark, thank God no got hurt. Students are in desperate need of light for evening studies.

We went on our knees and ask the Lord’s guidance and provision. We came up with a budget for this project and God provided the budget. We want to thank you for your prayers and support to meet the need. In record timely manner, the fund came in to address the problem of Power shortage. For a while until this week, we had been using generator to power the mission compound to meet the need of more than 300 people in the compound. However, this prove to be expensive to maintain for a long time because of constant demand for fuel. This week, we got the right electrician, he came and wired the whole compound with solar power. Praise God for his provision.

Bunk Beds

Bunk Beds are too expensive to buy for 300 students at Bethlehem Primary school Boarding students, but with your support, ONMI decided to make our own. Now every student is sleeping on new mattress and new bunk beds. Students are now back to begin their second semester and the environment has been transformed for the better than went they left for vacation.

Update on the construction is going on very well.

Work at the Bethlehem Primary School Construction site is picking up very well. Foundation has been laid, beams are being constructed and soon we will begin walling the building.

This is first building we are constructing as part of the overall Bethlehem Primary school. It will a two story building, we are hoping to complete by asap.

We need your continuous prayers as this is a major undertaking to ensure that the school is completed.

Education with Biblical World View: ONMI is in the middle of opening Bethlehem Primary and Nursery school from K1-8. This school will be Private Biblical based academy to retain children in South Sudan to educate and teach them Biblical education and worldview. Phase one of the Construction of the school has begun. Due to lack of home to house the families and their children as people make their way home to South Sudan from exile, the school will serve as Day and Boarding school. We are racing against time because the school has started with 300 pupils have reported and 10 teachers are giving the children instruction.

We have been temporally conducting classes in abandoned community run secondary school opposite to our mission compound. The school survived the looting and crisis of 2016 because Operation Nehemiah Missions kept watch over it and protected it from looters. However, the community will take it back as early next year. Therefore, we need to complete Bethlehem Primary and Nursery Academy by the end of 2021. See Power point for blueprint and Excel Spread sheet for budget. This is critical part of infrastructure.

What is our challenge right now:? We needs your continuous support and prayer. This project needs to be completed.

In Summary to what you already know.

Since March 2021, we have opened elementary school to accommodate the lower classes to accommodate Primary students from nursery to primary 7. We are building the Bethlehem Primary school and a church with a budget estimated at $589.848. Now, we have received, $160,000 in pledges towards the rest of the budget. We have broken ground to build eight rooms in a 2-story building, bought a new farm tractor, implement to strengthen food security in South Sudan and made 90,000 blocks using our own machine for this work. We are praying to God to raise up someone to rise and step up to help secure the balance of this funding. Our dateline is for December 2021 to complete 100% of this project as we are operating in a temporary facility. We got infrastructure to conduct the rest of the work in term of water, block making machine, natural soil for block making, backhoe for excavation sand, and the land itself.

Financial- Prayers and needs for my family ONMI staff and their families for protection of marriages, families, health, provision, wisdom and strength August Budget is $60,000. Raised; $40, 500. Balance $19,500 before August 31st. Donate Now

Thank You ALL YOUR CONTRIBUTION IS TAX DEDUCTIBLE May God bless you and Keep you and be gracious to you and give you His Shalom.

God blesses

In His grace

William Levi, Founder and Overseer

Of Operation Nehemiah Missions

Po Box 563

Lanesborough MA 01237




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Operation Nehemiah Missions International Inc is headquartered in Lanesborough, MA USA. Statement of Faith: The compelling and prevailing motivation of Operation Nehemiah Missions is to promote the Gospel of Jesus Christ, ( Yeshua the Messiah) thereby bringing people to repentance and eternal Salvation for their soul upon this premises rest the welfare of any community and the Bible is the final authority in all matters of life. 2 Timothy 3:16- 18 

All our humanitarian and developmental initiative to rebuild South Sudan from the ashes war and Islamic persecution  rest upon this principles. Our core principle is  the discipleship of one person, one family, one church and one community at a time.

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