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To you our donors, Promise made & Promise Kept, we delivered

Shalom to you and all the brothers and sisters in Yeshua . From the depth of my heart, I genuinely want to thank God for your tenacious love and generosity for sustaining Operation Nehemiah Missions with Your prayers and support to help the Christians of South Sudan as tens of thousands of people are returning from exiles to rebuild their lives from the ashes of war and displacement.

Current News _ Editor's Pick

USA -Jihad Watch : Are you surprised and shocked why The Biden/Harris Administration allow Taliban Islamic terrorist to take over Afghanistan in 11 days? It is all planned out.. Orderly exit will not yield enough Muslims population to migrate to USA to help the Liberals win Elections and stay in office. It must happen exactly the way Biden? Harris planned it. It has to appear chaotic , dramatic, and out control why because ....

Muslims in US During the 2020 General Election wanted Biden to change refugee limits to allow more Muslim migrants into the country. The Current Frantic fleeing of Afghanistan Muslim refugees escaping Taliban terrorist regime fits that demand. Just as it did during The Obama/ Biden Administration in respect to Syrian and Iraq Muslims fleeing then ISIS and flooded the West except for the Christians who were not allowed to enter the USA.

Israel News - TPS

USA- ONMI: I will be on NTCBN tonight from 8 PM- 9:30PM and Rumble at Rumble Live

South Sudan: Thank you for helping South Sudanese Christians stay in their country by giving them the tools they need to stay where they are.

Iam incredibly pleased to report to you the success of the purchase of New tractor and the beginning of the construction of Bethlehem . Primary and Nursery. Our ground leadership team is so thankful to God on your account..

We purchased a farm tractor and farm implements (a disc plough and a disc harrow.) The tractor and the implements are both brand new and they have safely made to South Sudan two days ago, as this is the final portion of 2021 rainy season, in the South Sudan the equipment has been expeditiously moved to Beth Israel farmland where 50 acres await to be plowed and planted with crops that will be ready for harvest towards the end of December 2021 to stamp out hunger and perpetual import of food from Uganda. Our vision to established Permanent Food Security for South Sudan is now within reach. With addition of this new tractor, we now have two tractors, the old one and the new one to supplement each other, We also have two tractor operators who can work simultaneously in the field and expand the areas marked for cultivation in 2021 and beyond. As part of a comprehensive report, I have put together a video clip : for your record to depict the success of this initiative. Additionally, please find, still pictures attached as you are free to use it for your newsletter.

We are equally elated to report to you the procurement of the construction of the first phase of Bethlehem Primary and Nursery school involving eight rooms in two levels story building. Watching the jubilant school children singing we are “Matching in the Light of God, we are Matching in the Light of God.” will tell how you blessed these children are. To our field staff, special the country, Pastor Timothy Levi this was the moment he felt God has moved a big mountain out of his path because as the implementer of this project, everyone was looking up to him for answers. I think, you blessed him, and you have encouraged and the staff under him to trust in God even more. This was a moment of victory. Construction workers have assembled on the sites and work has begun. The ground has been broken. An engineer has been designated to take on the task. Construction material materials have been ferried to the work site. We have our own backhoe, Sand, blocks, and water plus the labor already at hand. The only problem we face at this first phase and beyond is the question of Dump truck. The Tipper you will see in this report, which is red in color was hired on rental. Our small white dump truck has aged, and it is not sufficient for the task at hand.

In Summary to what you already know.

Since March 2021, we have opened elementary school to accommodate the lower classes to accommodate Primary students from nursery to primary 7. We are building the Bethlehem Primary school and a church with a budget estimated at $589.848. Now, we have received, $160,000 in pledges towards the rest of the budget. We have broken ground to build eight rooms in a 2-story building, bought a new farm tractor, implement to strengthen food security in South Sudan and made 90,000 blocks using our own machine for this work. We are praying to God to raise up someone to rise and step up to help secure the balance of this funding. Our dateline is for December 2021 to complete 100% of this project as we are operating in a temporary facility. We got infrastructure to conduct the rest of the work in term of water, block making machine, natural soil for block making, backhoe for excavation sand, and the land itself.

ONMI is addressing the plight of the Christians in the Sudan from a bottom-up approach as South Sudan has edged out from the grip of Islamic bondage in 2011. Evangelism, church planting and discipleship and pastoral training are critical and the main thrust of ONMI’s vision. But they cannot be just done in the vacuum without meeting the practical need of the people. Jesus himself instructed the people and He fed them to illustrate the significance of his teachings regarding the meaning of true bread and true living water which is himself coming from above. When they were hungry and thirsty, he fed them. Even though some tend to follow him for the bread but again it was part of his ministry to demonstrate to the people that He is the true bread and the true Living water. We are doing the same. When American Christians contribute to our ministry, in many ways, it is genuinely like manna dropping from above.

People get intrigued by this as true miracle because God is looking into their welfare by sending benevolent support from the USA, reaping where they have never sown. This must be God doing it. They know it. Therefore, the church in South Sudan is not stagnant, it is growing in leaps and bounce because they are witnessing Gods’ hand through your generosity. We need to teach the word and illustrate the significant of the word by Living out by Jesus’ example. We are engaged in discipleship, family restoration, education, water project, medicine, agriculture, and small business startup, all this to give God the glory. These needs are so critical to help keep the people needs physical need and understand the need for Salvation which is everlasting.

Financial- Prayers and needs for my family ONMI staff and their families for protection of marriages, families, health, provision, wisdom and strength August Budget is $60,000. Raised; $40,000. Balance $25,000 before August 31st. Donate Now

Thank You ALL YOUR CONTRIBUTION IS TAX DEDUCTIBLE May God bless you and Keep you and be gracious to you and give you His Shalom.

God blesses

In His grace

William Levi, Founder and Overseer

Of Operation Nehemiah Missions

Po Box 563

Lanesborough MA 01237




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Operation Nehemiah Missions International Inc is headquartered in Lanesborough, MA USA. Statement of Faith: The compelling and prevailing motivation of Operation Nehemiah Missions is to promote the Gospel of Jesus Christ, ( Yeshua the Messiah) thereby bringing people to repentance and eternal Salvation for their soul upon this premises rest the welfare of any community and the Bible is the final authority in all matters of life. 2 Timothy 3:16- 18 

All our humanitarian and developmental initiative to rebuild South Sudan from the ashes war and Islamic persecution  rest upon this principles. Our core principle is  the discipleship of one person, one family, one church and one community at a time.

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