Tribute to Shirley Gremyachev, Universal Aide Society, Canada
Shalom my dear brothers and sisters in Yeshua, to night is our Live Streaming Fellowship beginning at 8 PM- 9: 30 Pm Every Friday Nights. Today's topic will be: " Look! I tell you, raise your eyes and observe the fields and see how they are already white for harvesting." John 4: 23. You can watch the program live at NTCBN right here.
I'm so eager to share with you field report today from South Sudan but Iam going to set that aside in this report to pay special tribute to a Sister in Yeshua with whom our ministry has been co-laboring in the Great Commissions since 2005.
As I shared with you before, just as much as we focus on reporting on the need of ONMI in South Sudan, we also have benefactors and prayer partners who are undergoing through their own trying time with losses in their families and relatives. Just in the past weeks, I have the Miller family who have lost 3 members of their family and relatives back to back. But they are not mourning in vain because those love ones have passed unto Eternity.
So from time to time, I would like to remind you to join me in prayer in remembering those who have been co-laboring with us in the Great Commission and finally they have come to their final resting place, folded their earthly tent and moved on as we do not have a continuing city on this earth. We are all passing through while doing His work. So let us grieve with those who grieve and rejoice with those who rejoice. Romans 12: 15
This afternoon, I receive a sobering message from Yuri Gremyachev Shirley's husband from Canada. He wrote,
"I am sorry to have to tell you that after a courageous battle with cancer Shirley passed away in the early hours of the morning of Saturday July 17 at Nanaimo Regional General Hospital with me by her side."
