Unity & courage: Take a segment of the wall and patched up the breach. Nehemiah 3.
Shalom to you my brothers and sisters in Yeshua, I want to welcome you back to our weekly updates on the exciting things the Lord is doing in Operation Nehemiah Missions through you in South Sudan and here in the USA. The title of this newsletter says it all.
What do you do?
You know when Nehemiah was about to return from Babylonian captivity to rebuild the wall of Jerusalem and remove the stain of of his people Israel , we read that first he prayed, mourn, and fast before God for the sins of Israel and plead for forgiveness, that God would forgives the sins of his people and the sin of his father's House that He will restore His people. " And they told me, “The remnant who survived the exile are there in the province, in great trouble and disgrace. The wall of Jerusalem is broken down, and its gates are burned with fire.” 4 When I heard these words, I sat down and wept. I mourned for days, fasting and praying before the God of heaven. Then I said: “O LORD, God of heaven, the great and awesome God who keeps His covenant of loving devotion with those who love Him and keep His commandments,…" Nehemiah 1: 4-5 In Chapter three, he mobilized the people of Judah to rebuild and dedicate each segment of the wall which they each have built to God in the midst of intense oppositions and ridicules. Nehemiah was called by God to take on the giants that have destroyed Jerusalem and reduced the people to utter destitution.
Unity, courage, take a segment of the wall and patch the breach.
This is our time now to rise up to do the same. We must pray, fast and mourn in humility for our collective sins and ask God to revive us again. This is not just one person's effort. It is all of us in obedience to the the word of God, rebuilding a people and and a country from Ground up for the Glory of God. The people who rebuilt the wall under Nehemiah's directives came from all different walks of lives beginning with the families of priests, the Levites, individual families, goldsmith, merchants, perfumers and merchants. Nehemiah stood firm in prayer and in action. The wall was done in 52 days and dedicated to the Lord. When you go to Jerusalem today, you are going to see, the very footprint of that wall as it is. A lot of renovation or destruction has been been done on the wall over the years But the Biblical account remains as evidence of God's Promises which serves as a blue print to what we need to do when the wall of our families, faith and country is breached . It was not just a physical wall around Jerusalem but its spiritual significance in our lives. It was was the families, the faith and the lives of God's people that was breached which required coordinated effort restoration in the face of Opposition.
South Sudan : Bethlehem/Borongole, Eastern Equatoria,
ONMI Pastoral and ministry staff are moving in.
From the last report I shared with you, I discussed the the unfolding progress of South Sudanese returning home from exile after four years of a national Crisis that has taken a toll on the entire community.
Everyday, I have been blessed by your tenacity, prayer support and tangible financial backing which has been instrumental in implementing this critical transitional phases of people returning from exile to rebuild their lives. We set on motion the renovation of ONMI's mission properties in Bethlehem/Borongole compounds to serve as infrastructure and staging ground for returning families to start their lives. Painting of the pastoral quarters have been completed. Now the pastors are moving with their families. Basic furniture have been move in to begin serving the community.
the door of the Church is now open for worship and praising the Lord.
Nehemiah Field clinic is open for service- Thank to you
The Nehemiah field clinic has been renovated, painted and ready to be used as medical facility in full operation. I can't thank God enough for you for your financial blessing to help us purchase medicine to meet the standard of medical need to address African tropical diseases such as malaria, Typhoid, etc. which are rampant among the people living there. We want to thank God for our medical staff for taking role in minister medicine to the patience.
Grinding Mill is about to be installed.
Distribution of seeds and tools to the returnees is on going. First comes first serve
With you financial support, we continue to give the tools and seeds for those who have returned from exile to begin cultivation and constructing roof over their heads. First comes first serve. The entire community is out doing general cleaning, assessing damages incurred over the years and restoring them. There are several school and medical buildings lying in ruin in disrepair.
Rumbek, Lake state, South Sudan
As Pastor John Thon finished constructing his congregational building, the church is already maxed out. Majority of the services are now held outside under a big tree with fence around it. We are not are asking for a new building. But that the people will be discipled and get grounding in the word. Pastor John will need a parsonage and a well in the church premise. This is our long term goal for his congregation in 2021. However, we thank God for his leadership because the Church is growing, and the Great Commission is being full filled in that part of the country.
Painting of NTC tower is next on our plan of Action.
The USA:
There is no stopping and reflecting on things. He is plowing right ahead. We have to brace ourselves in prayers. Let us humbles ourselves and pray for America without ceasing. No a US president issued more Executive Orders in few weeks after taking office than Joe Biden on issues so detrimental to AMERICA. Are you ready for the ride? You can't make this up. He is targeting the very foundation of foundational institutions of God that has sustain America for the past 400 years. He is targeting the family and the church and altering the constitutional setup how US government operates. We just heard Senator Mitch McConnell apologize in an Episcopalian Cathedral in WDC for his opposition to LGBTQ agender in the Senate over the years. He went further by apologizing for the Church on this subject. It will be a miracle, if we will have the First and the Second Amendment at the end of 2024. These two Amendments will be erased first. From there everything else will be free fall!
Biden Administration's Policy' impact on US Church leaders:
The Social network watch dogs are tasked with taking down any message from church leaders across this nation who are within their pastoral mandate to address government leaders when they are superseding their God given authority over the role to govern the nation and encouraging them when they are rendering justice and honoring God. Messianic Rabbi's Jonathan Cahn's message to President Biden was taken down immediately after they found it was watched by over 2 million people in a week. But here it is. Watch it before it is taken down again and again.
Nehemiah held the line, are we holding the line?
What do you do? At the backdrop of this sobering events of our times, how do you address everything Biblically to keep pressing ahead when everything else around you is crumbling without blaspheming God or giving into the enemy? This is where Nehemiah comes in. We are living just like in the day of Nehemiah. A people without vision perish. Each generation has its own critical challenges, each time it involved authority that supersede its power over the governed. This authority always seek to impose itself as God over the governed. We can't just throw the towel and call it a quit and join their ranks. I ask you to have spiritual eyes to see the struggles and the trials in South Sudan in term of what is happening here in the USA and Israel as the same thing in nature. They are tied together because the nature of the opposition is the same. It is spiritual. You can't fight it with physical weapons. Our warfare is not against blood and flesh but against spiritual powers in higher places. It is diabolical and it seeks to defile and render irrelevant that which God has used throughout the ages to sustain a family and a country.
Policy impact on nations and their churches:
Now African nations and countries around the world, were put on notice by this administration, to embrace LGBTQ agenda, and abortion or risk facing the Biden's wrath. US and LGBTQ flags will be flown side by side in every US Embassies around the globe. Christian churches and International Christian leaders will be brought in compliance with Biden/ Harris agenda. There will be blacklisting of those who will dare to opposite it. The book of Acts is now in full display. Persecutions are breaking out. So, this is already Deja Vue. How do you define persecution? When do you see it coming and in action? It is here folks. Iam afraid for South Sudan. With all the fragile and delicate political and economic landscape on the ground in that nation, here comes USA under Biden Administration foreign policies of pushing through the agenda of global social engineering through the throats of the nations again. How will they handle that, will be truly a question of your prayers. Biden Administration has not made a call to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu since taking office. They want to keep our Embassy in Jerusalem but they will undermine its legitimacy by undoing everything else. The red flags are everywhere.
Israel: Highly recommended . Check them out with link below. Two Israelis friends have created Family board game, called The Way of the Patriarchs.
I had the privilege to meet two Israeli young men, Amotz Eyal and Amit Barak while here at NRB conference in CA, USA and at Christian Media Summit in Jerusalem, Israel. Amotz Eyal is director of TPS - Israel's News Agency. TPS News is officially one of the Israeli based News outlet we are privileged to quote from and use their materials on our website, radio station as well News blog. These gentlemen have developed a project called the Way of the Patriarchs, a family board game designed to address the needs during this pandemic period as traveling to Israel for a tour of the Holy land has become increasingly difficult. Am
it and Amotz have summarized their thoughts below in their own word. Pray for them and let us help them meet the their goal. it is $8000 dollar project ending in a month. You can help directly from their website below. If you allocate some money to this cause through ONMI, please make sure you indicate that it is for them. I will makes sure, it gets to them.
So be happy to help spread the word about the game:
How can you help?
As we are entering the beginning of First quarter January- March 2021, ONMI's Monthly fix & variable budget for the month of February stands at $60,000. We are confident that by the grace of God with your tenacious support, we can meet this goal before the end of the month or a week into the next month. So far we received, $10000,00. We are short by $50,000
All contribution to Operation Nehemiah Mission is tax-deductible.
If the Lord leads you to help us today, for on line donation that will have immediate impact,
please visit our website at www.operationsnehemiah.org
Mission trip:
I will be leaving for a validation mission trip to South Sudan for 2 weeks beginning march 15th - March 31st. to inspect, validate and encourage and be encouraged by the ground leadership team
"But my God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by in Yeshua the Messiah. "
In His grace
William Levi, Founder & Overseer
Operation Nehemiah Missions
PO Box 563
Lanesborough MA 01237 USA
sustaining and propelling us here at Operation Nehemiah Missions to move forward. the work of the ministry.