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God will revive us again as a People and a Nation, take courage.

Shalom, my brother and Sister in Yeshua, today is January 12, 2021, I just want to thank God that He has brought us into a new year. I do want to bring you greeting from my family, mission staff and co-laborers in the Great Commission. For those of you who have contributed financially to ONMI in 2020, I will be issuing the summary of your financial statement early next week for your overall record. Thank you so much.

All in all, if God is the God of all things, even the trials of 2020 were for our blessings

For most of us, the year 2020 has been highlighted for all that went wrong. But I want to dwell on the blessing of God and what He has done. In 2020, God healed our daughter Hadassah Levi from the brink of death. By God grace, He gave us our 8th baby child, a baby daughter Elishevah Bethel Levi. God has sustained Operation Nehemiah through your continuous financial supporting for the mission. The ministry did not loss support from the Impact of Covid 19. Even our field staff in South Sudan initially gave up 2020 in term of funding coming from the USA to sustain the work on the ground because they thought including myself , with US economy shut down in March 2020, there was no way ONMI will be able to raise support. But God proved us all wrong. His blessing exceeded our expectation. Thank to you for your obedience and generosity to give to a worthy cause to advance the Great Commissions. US economy did recovered, Vaccine for Covid 19 is already out.

In September 2020, two Revival Prayers groups converged in Washington DC. The Return by Messianic Rabbi Jonathan Cahn and March for Prayer by Rev. Franklin Graham. God will revive us again as a people and a nation. In the Middle East, Israel achieved landmark Peace with four Arab nations previously her avowed archenemies under Abraham Accord, thank to President Trump. In our Southern border 450 Miles of wall, built on our South border with Mexico to monitor internationally shared problems of migration etc. In South Sudan Government and rivals political and arm groups signed land mark peace agreement in Feb paving way for millions of people from exile to come home. The Gospel s going forward, people's life transformed the Lord.

We also rejoice in the midst of what happened in 2020 general Election. Despite all the disappointment that came with it, I think the US Election of 2020 has been the best opportunity for me and my family in taking part and participating in this important election watching through the lenses of Faith, Family and Freedom, Truth versus lies, Light versus darkness, God versus evil, Right versus wrong , Good versus bad in America. no matter what Happens God will carry us through this.

I will sum up my thoughts Biblically without necessary going on the landmark of events that took place in the Elections: Nov. 3. December 14 and January 6 and soon possibly Jan.20

We shall see the Mighty Hand of God in His time

So, when you prayed, and did everything, and yet the evil schemes prevail, then you wonder, how can this be? In small powerful voice, God is saying, be still, and know Iam God and I will give you the desire of your heart. Psalms 37. Where is God in all of this.? Here is a message you can count on it has helped me because God pointed me to it. He is there all along with you. Fret not if the evil one seems to triumph. No a single evil plan will escape God's all encompassing mighty power. His response will be on His time and He will set the magnitude and the direction of His plan to His ultimate timely satisfaction for our vindication and blessing after much trials for His glory. Remember how the heart of Egyptian Pharaoh was hardened like a rock, refusing to let the Israelites go? God set the magnitudes of Pharaoh's refusal to 10 plagues and a massive destruction of the entire Egyptian Army in the Red Sea by drowning as Moses led the Israelites on the dry ground of the deep sea. So let us stay faithful to the end. This is Red Sea moment of our time but God will part the Red sea for us just as Yeshua with Disciples, caught up in the storm over the Sea of Galilee. He calmed the storm and pleaded with them to have faith. So let us have Faith. These examples are humanly impossible but that is exactly the point. With God, all things are possible. We shall see mountain moved in 2021 and beyond. You and I may be going through a personal, family, health, financial and a national Crisis like we have never seen before, take courage and fear not. Have faith. We shall see the Mighty Hand of God. Amen.

Therefore be strong and Courageous.

Be strong and Courageous. Have faith, pray without ceasing, be in the word of God. Seeing everything that has transpired in this Election, the best thing to do is now not to look at the bigness of our problems which are real for sure but to begin looking at the immenseness of the Mighty power of God from the ages past until now. This is the only way we can press on in the the days ahead. Get grounded and rooted even in the midst of the storm. The just shall walk by faith not by sight. Evil forces will pursue us into the Sea. The enemies won't stop, just watch. But it will be there and only there that God will say, No more and No further. Stop persecuting my people! Till then and only then, they will not acknowledge, nor will they confess that sure indeed they have been fighting God and they can't win after all. Lesson from the Pharaohs is a good one. Once they found themselves in the belly of a deep sea without escape, they knew, it was over for them. No a single deception or silencing of our voices and cutting out our tongues because of telling the truth will provide solution to their diabolical schemes. They will grow restless and weary when all controlled schemes fail. "These Egyptians of the Pharaohs, you see them today, you won't see them again" said Moses. Take Courage.! God's plan for our lives, far exceeds the circumstances.. He said, "I made you, I will carry you, will sustain and rescue you." Isaiah 46:4

Mission News: Repent, Pray, Worship, Disciple and grow in the Word.

Rumbek, Lake State South Sudan, "So the eleven talmidim went to the hill in the Galil where Yeshua had told them to go. When they saw him, they prostrated themselves before him; but some hesitated. Yeshua came and talked with them. He said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore, go and make people from all nations into talmidim, immersing them into the reality of the Father, the Son and the Ruach HaKodesh, and teaching them to obey everything that I have commanded you. And remember! I will be with you always, yes, even until the end of the age.” Matthew 28: 18-21

Mission report from Pastor John Thon , Welcome to The Nile Beth Messiah Congregation in Rumbek, Lake State, South Sudan. The mandate Yeshua left for us believers on earth is the the Great Commission. We are to go and make Disciples of all nation beginning from Jerusalem, Judeo and Samaria to the Outmost part of the world. I am very thrilled to report to you what the Lord is doing in South Sudan in the town of Rumbek where the Gospel of Yeshua is taking root, people are getting saved, and life being transformed for the glory of God. Thank to the leadership OF Pastor John Thon Makur. This young man in your prayer. I don't know if you can see his face in his picture. He is very tall. One thing that He told me to thank you for is now the use of Smart phone which the ministry just got it for him recently. He is able to capture both life video clips and still pictures and send it to the main office here in real time to update us and the donors. The young congregation has the faith of children. They are sitting on the bare floor on log of wood without chairs and they don't care. Everyone work together clearing the church compound.

Rumbek, South Sudan. Helicopter crushed, injuring many but no death, thank God.

Two days ago, Pastor John Thon reported that they had Helicopter crush on landing injuring many people but no one died in Rumbek. He said one from his church was involved in the crush but the helicopter crush in the center of the town. Only God protected the masses, it otherwise it would have been worst.

In Yerushalayim Summit, on Gordon Mt. Eastern Equatoria, South Sudan: Pastor Timothy Levi, Country Director, ONMI report:

Momentum continues to build since November 2020 into 2021. Renovation of building continue at Bethlehem Borongole mission campus of 8 buildings which will serve as mission center for welcoming people returning from exile this month and beyond including the families of our staff. Currently we have a group of pastors praying and fasting going from refugee camps to camps mobilizing their people to return home. In one subcounty of Kerepi . we have 10 village chiefs asked to leave the camps momentarily and return home to begin confident building and to work along side the pastors and church elders to ensure the mobilization and people's aspiration to return home is not hindered this time around. They have been waiting in exile for too long. They want to come home. In the midst of this whole arrangement is continuous prayers for God's favor to give his people courage, strength and provision to make this journey a reality. Beyond mission house renovation, Bethlehem Borongole mission compound does not have power source for electricity and lighting the compound. we have solar power only meant for pumping and strong water. The compound needs 5000 watts of solar electricity to support internet access, and manage Nehemiah Field clinic in facility.

Renovation of building continue at Bethlehem Borongole

FM/Bible Audio can fit in the palm of your hand

Interested in sowing into ONMI evangelistic tool? Here is versatile robust , all in one FM, Bible solar Receiver, capable of packing at least 20 different languages of South Sudan. This is an improvement from the 2018 version. It is very light and weight about close to nothing. This is our sample from the owner who is selling it for $20 a piece far lower than most prices we have come across. This little solar FM and Bible audio has the entire Bible from Genesis to Revelation in five languages of South Sudan including English.. In 2021, we hoping to obtain 500 of these to be used for discipleship purposes. I will be going to South Sudan in February, I want to bring the first 100 of them for $2000.00

What is going on in 2021? ONMI is going Video & Radio webcasting very soon.

ONMI in the USA is restructuring its outreach strategy in reaching to you donors and how to expand the base of the Mission. No doubt, witnessing what we had seen in this past Election, Media and Social network will continue to influence our lives throughout the 2021 Century and beyond. It is a force for God Or Evil depending on who is using and for what. With Covid 19 lockdown still effective in 2021, my traveling engagements to speak in churches and places have tremendously diminished. So this year, I'm going to start video and radio Webcasting using live streaming. We will link it up with NTC 97.3 FM in South Sudan. Social media is beginning to sanction our Freedom of speech under the First Amendment. My goal is to use this blog imbedded in our website as the primary place where you can watch the program. We can also simultaneously stream it on friendly Social network of our choosing . We are going to bring in donor guests like you into the program either via Skype, ZOOM or WhatsApp's and to call into the program. We will also get raw footage from ONMI field staff in South Sudan. Iam in the midst of Consulting stages. We have acquired some equipment already. We also need to equip our field staff in South Sudan with technological capability so that they can call or be live on video to tell us what is going on in the field in real time.

How can you help? As we are entering the beginning of First Quarter 2021 , ONMI's Monthly fix & variable budget for the month of January stands at $40,000 excluding special projects from various departments. We are confident that by the grace of God with your tenacious us support, we can meet this goal before the end of the month. All contribution to Operation Nehemiah Mission is tax-deductible. If the Lord leads you to help us today, for on line donation that will have immediate impact, please visit our website at Current needs December 2021 in the order of Priorities 1- Restructuring ONMI USA and international outreach strategy - $10,000 2- Repatriation and renovation program - $10,000

3- Agriculture $5000.00 3- Medical healthcare - $5,000 4- Painting Radio Tower - $5000 6- Contingency - $5000 "But my God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by in Yeshua the Messiah. " In His grace William Levi, Founder & Overseer Operation Nehemiah Missions PO Box 563 Lanesborough MA 01237 USA 413-770-4711



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Operation Nehemiah Missions International Inc is headquartered in Lanesborough, MA USA. Statement of Faith: The compelling and prevailing motivation of Operation Nehemiah Missions is to promote the Gospel of Jesus Christ, ( Yeshua the Messiah) thereby bringing people to repentance and eternal Salvation for their soul upon this premises rest the welfare of any community and the Bible is the final authority in all matters of life. 2 Timothy 3:16- 18 

All our humanitarian and developmental initiative to rebuild South Sudan from the ashes war and Islamic persecution  rest upon this principles. Our core principle is  the discipleship of one person, one family, one church and one community at a time.

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