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When you see women and children feel confident to enter South Sudanese border, this is for real.

Shalom my fellow co-laborers in the Great Commission,. I pray and hope that this report finds you well in the Lord. Iam going to be very brief on this report because it has lot to do with breaking the news of ONMI Country Director Timothy Levi bringing his wife and children back to South Sudan. Please pray for them, specially his wife Joyce, a woman of God, a mother of six, a lot of dependences, called by God to support her husband in this challenging work since 2009

ONMI Yerushalayim Summit, Gordon Mt., South Sudan:

We have been waiting patiently to see this day come to pass. When you see women and children feel confident to enter South Sudanese border, never to look back, you know the repatriation process is now for real. This is an act of God that we are living to see the return of the families to their home land where husbands, wives, children and community can reunite with each other for good. It was sad to see them flee in 2016. But Thank God, they are returning home. Everything happens for a reason. We thank God for it. I know, leaving things behind, people and friends they have be acquainted with for years in Uganda, and the kind of services and infrastructure they have been used to will be a very difficult things to reconcile. But B over time, they will get used to it. The challenges they parents will be facing is the question, where to send chidden to school. ? But Covid- 19 has taught everybody a a global lesson. The children have not gone to school for a year. Parents are trying their best to improvise and educate their children at home. Until then, Please pray for these parents the need for formal education will continue to pose serious challenges to these families returning from exile.

The family of Pastor Timothy Levi, ONMI country director, crossed the threshold of border line into South Sudan from Uganda, this morning. Many people are coming to a place they called home but there is no roof over their heads. I want to thank God for you for keeping us in your prayers and for sustaining ONMI's compounds in three places where staff and their families can safely return home to resume their work and activities. To many people that 50 m of border line across the river dividing

South Sudan from Uganda in Nimule- Elegu is like 2000 miles a part. People are afraid to cross it.

But now Several staff members and their families are making the same move, crossing over. For some of these children, except for the parents, Some have not stepped a foot into South Sudan since 2016. Some are born in exile, coming home for the first time. Nevertheless, the country director of Operation Nehemiah Timothy Levi and his wife Joyce and their six children want to live by example.

ONMI's vision is that the main implementer of the ministry's goal which is the country director is to live in the country where the work and its activity are taking place. But in the past 4 years, we came across a reality check to the this very ideal situation.

The family, notably the women and children were affected the most by this Crisis of displacement. We have gone through serious testing in this process specially the country director and his wife. They love what they are doing in South Sudan for all these years since they have been called by God into the ministry to lead the ministry in 2009. So as they moved immediate families members notably women and children across the border into Uganda while Pastor Timothy and the rest of the men continue to labor for the Great Commission inside South Sudan commuting back and forth to keep up with the remnants still in the land. This back and forth arrangement has taken a toll on the families. It has been very difficult on the men trying to sustain family unity from across the border specially during Covid 19 global pandemic.

Praise God, now and finally God has answered our prayers. They are going home for good from Ugandan exile. Seen here at ONMI's first Mission campus at Yerushalayim Summit on Gordon MT in Nimule, they just crossed into South Sudan and embarking on to their next journey 34 miles to ONMI's Bethlehem Borongole, mission main compound to return to a place they had called home for at least 12 years until 2016.

At ONMI's Yerushalayim Summit Gordon MT, South Sudan:

It was almost 14 years, ONMI Gospel Radio Tower at Yerushalayim Summit on Gordon was erected. It has been sitting there weathering the storm of high winds, rain, lightening strikes and shearing heatwaves under African sky. The tower is getting its first renovation done in 14 years. From the depth of my I heart, I say thank you you so much for h providing the funding for this labor of love to advance the Great Commission in South Sudan and the surrounding c countries.

Work has begun on renovation process. We have replaced aging tension wires and started painting the entire length of the 310 Ft metal components in red and white colors.

Pray for the safety and the success of these brave workers who are not afraid of heights.


Medical need, remains our biggest stretch to resources and challenges. Various communities coming into their respective villages from exile , found themselves, confronted with lack of medical supplies. So, as you think of the people of Moli, Mugali, Opari and Pageri villages, pray for them and pray for ONMI that all of these needs will be met.

My trip is coming up in two weeks, I need you to stand with me in prayer .

There are a lot of lose end to tie up. Traveling internationally has changed drastically since last year. You can't just jump in the plane and fly out. So there is a lot of coordination I have to do with various countries which I will be passing through without getting stuck and unnecessary quarantine abroad for weeks. I need prayers for protection against the very Covid 19 itself that God will protect me and the people I will be coming in contact with through out my travels. That I will get appropriate visas for respective countries I will be passing through. I need to be able to get back to my family since none of the family members will be with me on this trip. Pray that I will get all the necessary funding needed between now and then, to accomplish God work. Pray for my wife and children. Pray for our donors as they too need our prayers in order to support the work financially. Pray for the staff on the ground for protection and stabilities as they are preparing to receive me.

Pray for my little ones here.

USA: Take stand. Speak to your Senators. It will take one minute of your time. I did it for these little ones.

Keep the USA in your prayers at this trying times. If you are from any of the US 50 states, here is a small way we can try to hold our ground against the new world order. This bill known as Equality Act has been passed in the house, headed to Senate. Biden says he will sign it. Encourage your senators to oppose it by sending a 2 minute email through this website.Freedom2Care™ FREEDOM OF FAITH, CONSCIENCE AND SPEECH

TPS News - Israel:

God is our provider through you we are able to do this work ,

We must acknowledge God in all we do, noting that only God's principles are eternal. When we acknowledge Him and commit our ways unto Him, we are guaranteed good life, albeit it through challenges and trials . If we can trust God in everything and do not depend on ourselves, then He shall be our Guardian, Counsellor and Deliverer. God will clear the way (Isaiah 40:3, 45:13).

How can you help?

As we are entering the beginning of First quarter January- March 2021, ONMI's Monthly fix & variable budget for the month of March stands at $60,000. We are confident that by the grace of God with your tenacious support, we can meet this goal before the end of the month or a week into the next month. The most urgent need right now is $35,000

All contribution to Operation Nehemiah Mission is tax-deductible.

If the Lord leads you to help us today, for on line donation that will have immediate impact,

please visit our website at

"But my God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by in Yeshua the Messiah. "

In His grace

William Levi, Founder & Overseer

Operation Nehemiah Missions

PO Box 563

Lanesborough MA 01237 USA




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Operation Nehemiah Missions International Inc is headquartered in Lanesborough, MA USA. Statement of Faith: The compelling and prevailing motivation of Operation Nehemiah Missions is to promote the Gospel of Jesus Christ, ( Yeshua the Messiah) thereby bringing people to repentance and eternal Salvation for their soul upon this premises rest the welfare of any community and the Bible is the final authority in all matters of life. 2 Timothy 3:16- 18 

All our humanitarian and developmental initiative to rebuild South Sudan from the ashes war and Islamic persecution  rest upon this principles. Our core principle is  the discipleship of one person, one family, one church and one community at a time.

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