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Young Men & Work Ethic, no more Idling in the Camps

Shalom to you my co-laborer in the Great Commission. I want to wish a belated Mother's Day to you and your family. I want to thank God for my wife Hannah who gave me 8 children as well for all that she has been to my family.

Iam so excited to share with you how God is using you to put some smiles

on the faces of many South Sudanese young men and girls who have been idling in the refugees camps for 5 years. But now, they are doing something thing for themselves in South Sudan. Thank you for your all that you have done to impacts their lives for the kingdom.

Do you know what gives me goose bumps of encouragement these days? It is the accuracies and the precision how God literally bring to pass what we only envisioned by faith.

Hebrews 11:1-2 "Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see.2This is what the ancients were commended for."

Hydraform Block making machine is back to its original spot.

He planned this into our hearts. We prayed and dreamt of the days that the Hydraform machine, that God has provided for Operation Nehemiah Mission acquired from South Africa in 2013 but sadly relocated to Gordon Mountain for protection after 2016 crisis will be brought back to Bethlehem mission compound. This is its original place and be used again to make interlocking blocks for constructing much needed mission facilities.

Cement truck load arrives and production work has kicked off.

As block production kicked off, and curing of the blocks is on motion, Timothy Levi, our country Director would like to thank you for

your love and commitment to help us advance the cost of the Great Commission.

You are literally contributing to something that everyone is aspiring for in South Sudan.

a) Everybody is yearning for the unity of the country. People are tired of war and tired of grabbing guns and heading to the bush to wage war against the government.

You are helping these young men not to continue idling around and languishing in the camps. They want to work and stay busy and realize their God given potentials.

b) War is enabling factor hardening the resolve of any government to stay in power.

c) They see the solutions to the country’s problem rest with them through dialogues. A deserted country without her people cannot be governed. So, the presence of the civilian is paramount.

d) People are realizing that there is no way we can hold government accountable if all that we do is a constant rebellion and deserting the country for the refugee camps.

e) They want to fight war on poverty, illiteracy or removing UN Relief Dependency syndrome.

f) People are looking less and less for support from Juba, the UN or state government.

g) People are looking up to God for help through the church and they are relying on themselves, your support and their community for support network.

h) This is the answer we are looking forward. When people begin to look to God for help and less on government, then you know the governed are ready for Self-governance.

Division of Labor: Machine operators,

Young men are back on the job after 5 years of idling in the camps

After 5 years of waiting, the Nehemiah Hydraform block making machine is literally back to its original place and it is still very effective machine. Back in 2016, the heap of marram red earth was excavated for $1500 by hiring a Kenyan road company with excavator for one day. However, the heap of earth has been sitting there never used until now because the people fled into exile. The goal was to make use of the earth to makes blocks to complete the mission house in the Beth Israel farmland. Just after one month, the effort was abandoned because of Crisis. Some of the young men we are seeing here working on block production in May 2021, were part that displacement. They were working hard, making money to support their families, but crisis drove them into exile living.

A small project you can take on. Take a bite out of a big chunk

If the Lord leads you to do something today and show into ONMI, and you are interested in specific project, one time or multirole times here is one for you. Down below is this basic blue print, layout of the future buildings for Bethlehem Primary school and the church located on the 1st and the 2nd Quadrant of ONMI's Bethlehem Mission head quarters. We are on track to produce 250,000 blocks to construct 12 buildings comprising of a church, 2 elementary school building, a Computer and Library building, a dinning hall, a Nursery \school building, teacher's quarters, dormitory and bathrooms.

With $10,000 you can help ONMI purchase 1000 bags of cement and make 40, 000 blocks. One bag of cement produces 40 blocks, the machines spits out 6 blocks per minutes. We have water, soil, sand, labor and excavation taken care of. With these Many blocks you can literally build 10 standard class rooms measuring (8x6)m excluding the roof.

When I was there, the Lord directed me to witness this. God showed me that His people are ready for repentance. They wanted to repent, be forgiven of our sins and revive that country.


USA : Pray and take actual steps to speak for the weak and the unborn still in the womb. Abortion is abomination

Jay Sekulow ACLJ Chief Counsel

Planned Parenthood lies about its services, but President Biden is forcing you to fund them.

Planned Parenthood commits record abortions year after year – with more than 354,000 unborn lives taken in the last year alone. It takes record taxpayer funding – $618.1 million last year.

That’s your money propping up Planned Parenthood’s abortion business. You know what it’s not funding? Adoption referral, prenatal, well-woman, and family practice services are all plummeting.

Yet President Biden just issued a new rule forcing you to send $60 million to the abortion giant. This is a violation of U.S. law: “None of the funds appropriated under this title shall be used in programs where abortion is a method of family planning.”

The law literally could not be more clear. Yet President Biden is circumventing the law, forcing you to fund evil.

If he won’t uphold the law, we will. We are filing a critical formal public legal comment to the Biden Administration to fight back. Our deadline is May 17th – Tax Day this year.

As you prepare to file your taxes – taxes President Biden is using to prop up Planned Parenthood’s abortion business – take action with us as we fight to defund Planned Parenthood and defeat President Biden. Together, we’re the last line of defense for these unborn babies.

Jay Sekulow ACLJ Chief Counsel


Israel - Pray for the Peace of Jerusalem:

Gaza-based terrorists from the Hamas and Islamic Jihad terror organizations launched over 200 rockets at civilian targets throughout ...

Security and Defense• By Aryeh Savir/TPS•11 May, 2021

Most of us take it for granted the level of courage, wisdom, resources, strength, faith, and love for country Israelis take to keep themselves and the country safe from the constant Arabs terrorist attacks coming from all directions. Some one just dare to attack you and kill you because you are a Jew. That is so Evil.

Prayers and Needs for ONMI in South Sudan and USA

ONMI staff and their families

May Budget is $60,000.

Break down:

$20,000 for USA office,

$20,000 construction project South Sudan

$ 20,000 Infrastructure


Sustain support for staff and infrastructure on the ground and the USA

Construction plan for the school and the Church

Water Tank: We need at least 10,000 Liters water tank

Church Building Project -

Bibles, Out reaches and discipleship:

Medical needs -

New Teachers

Education: 150 Student desks

50 Double Bunk Beds for 100 students -


Education: 100 Mattress

Education: Stationery

Current stability must be observed. People coming back from exile should not be discouraged by dubious armed group staging devilish ambushes on innocent lives on international highway.

Rather together, we must fight Satan, poverty, illiteracy and UN constant presence in a sovereign country must be removed peacefully. They must go back to where they came from. Enough is enough.

May God bless you and Keep you and be gracious to you and give you His Shalom.

In His grace

And Service

William Levi, Founder & Overseer, Operation Nehemiah Missions

PO Box 563

Lanesborough, MA 01237




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Operation Nehemiah Missions International Inc is headquartered in Lanesborough, MA USA. Statement of Faith: The compelling and prevailing motivation of Operation Nehemiah Missions is to promote the Gospel of Jesus Christ, ( Yeshua the Messiah) thereby bringing people to repentance and eternal Salvation for their soul upon this premises rest the welfare of any community and the Bible is the final authority in all matters of life. 2 Timothy 3:16- 18 

All our humanitarian and developmental initiative to rebuild South Sudan from the ashes war and Islamic persecution  rest upon this principles. Our core principle is  the discipleship of one person, one family, one church and one community at a time.

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